Pans little pirate

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Imagine being Hooks daughter and you and Peter have been 'together' for a long time now. But it's getting harder and harder to cover it up.

Your eyes flutter open from your dreamless sleep as you recall all that happened the day before. You had snuck off your fathers ship undetected and had spent hours with Peter. Then, later in the evening, he used his magic to come aboard the ship and the two of you held each other for the rest of the night. This is not the first time Peter would stay the night with you, so, the two of you had a drill. He would get up before the sun and fly back to his camp, but he would always leave you small notes attached to your window. You rolled out of bed and read the newest letter he had left.

My dear y/n,
Words cannot describe how grateful I am for everything you've done for me. I enjoyed our fun yesterday. I love you.

You can't help but smile and giggle as you read his words that charmed you. You think about the day you first met him. Your father had told you of a demon boy who ruled the island, but all you saw was a young, lost boy. You had made it your mission to help him feel found again and you succeeded. Peter truly loves you and would do anything for you.

"Y/n?" Your father inters your room and sees you holding the letter. You try to hide it, but he's already noticed.

"What is that?"

"Nothing father." He continues to walk closer and closer to you until he's arms length apart from you.

"Give it here."

"Father. I said it was nothing." You began to panic. Your were afraid of your fathers wrath if he found out, but you were more afraid of what Peter would say. Your afraid of how mad and disappointed he would be. You've been able to hide your relationship with him for nearly two years now.

"Give. It. Here." Your father replies while gritting through his teeth, but you don't budge. He suddenly snatches the note out of your hands. You try to snatch it back, but he turns his back on you and blocks your attempts to retrieve it until he's finish reading.

"Are you crazy?! How could you defy me like this?!"

"Father he's not half as bad as you say. He's-"

"How long?!" Your fathers glare turns into a ragging fire as you slowly whisper,

"About two years."

You feel a strong stinging sensation on your face as you fall on the ground. He hit you. Your father had never done that before. The worst you had ever gotten were a few spankings when you were young, but never this. You suddenly feel warm hands touch your back and pull you into the arms they belong to. Peter.

"Get off my ship Pan! And get your hands off my daughter!!!"

"Hook. Do you not see what you've done?! You've just slapped a woman, but not just a woman... Your child." Peter ignored your fathers demands and pulls you into his chest, cradling you like the baby you now feel like. As you look up at your father, you can see how guilty and sorry he looks.

"Y/n. I'm sorry. I-" He starts to walk closer to you, but you grab Peters shirt and force him closer to you. Your father really sees just how much he scared you. He lowers his head in defeat and leaves your bed room. Peter stands up and carried you to your bed, bridal style.

"Are you alright love?" You slowly nod your head, but really, your face is throbbing.

"I know it hurts." Peter slowly waves his hand over your cheek and the pain and bruise disappear.

"This is my fault. I should have just told your father and-"

"Shh. Peter. None of this is your fault. You couldn't have known that he would find out like this." He grabbed a strand of your hair and began to twist it in his fingers as he planted a kiss on the top of your head.

"Try to rest darling. It's been a bit of a rough morning I can tell."
You can't help but close your eyes and nuzzle into his chest as you lose concessions and fall into yet another, dreamless sleep.

You wake up about 10 minutes later, and Peter isn't here. He must have had to go back to camp. You slowly pull yourself out of bed and get dressed. You brush out your long waves and tie your sword around your waist. Peter found it adorable you always carried your sword with you. He said no matter what, he would always find you. Considering today's events, he was telling the truth. As you walk past your fathers room, you hear two voices inside. And being the curious little girl you are, you can't help but listen.

"Hook. I'm not being cocky or arrogant. I'm asking you not as the ruler of the island, but just an average boy. I love your daughter. Please just let me-"

"How do I know your telling me the truth?"

"I swear to you on my life, I would never hurt her." Your father let's out a long sigh.

"Come on in y/n." He says loud enough for you to hear. You slowly open the door and enter the room, closing the door behind you.

"You love this boy?"

"I do father. More than anything." He slowly nods his head as you sit on Peters lap.

"Tell me honestly. In the years you've known him, tell me, has he ever hurt you?"
You ponder on that for a moment, struggling to find a time where he has ever been anything but merciful to you.

"No father."

"I told you captain. I love her and would never hurt her." Your father slowly stands up and you and Peter do the same.

"Pan." He looks at you and sees the hope in your eyes.

"You two..." He then glanced at Peter who was clearly nervous.
"You two have my permission and... My blessing."
Peter let out a huge sigh of relief as you run straight into your fathers arms.

"Thank you daddy! Thank you thank you thank you!"
Your father chuckled as he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you back. You and Peter walked up to the deck watched the waves for along time. Just holding each other. Feeling free and comforted.


"Yes my love."

"I love you."

"I love you too y/n." You love the way he says your name. It's so gentle, but firm. Almost as if he was singing it. Peter slowly looks down at you and you up at him as the two of you naturally lean in. His soft lips come in direct contact with yours, and he brushes your lips with his as he kisses you. As the two of you pull away, he chuckles in a goofy way.

"What's so funny?" You ask him, giggling a little yourself.

"Peter Pan never Fails." He whispers as he kisses you again.

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