Follow me, my lost girl

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Requested by PansLostGirl1996

Song inspiration: A Narnian lullaby from the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe.

Peters point of view

A girl showed up on NeverLand a few months ago. I sent my lost boys after her several times, but shockingly, she's either been able to out run, out wit, or out smart them. She's very impressive  and I intend to make sure I get what I want, and right now...

It's her...

I've told my boys to leave her alone for a while, making her think we were done with her, oh but we aren't even close. She'll be here. She'll be mine. This time, I'm going myself to get her and as amusing as it would be to drag her to my camp screaming, I've got a much better idea. Why not cast a spell on her and let her blindly follow me? Yes. That's exactly what I'm going to do.

Your point of view

I somehow appeared in NeverLand a few months ago, and let me tell you, life here is like a living hell. Pan sends his lost boys after me continually, failing every time. I always manage to escape them. Barely, but sill. Though I've never seen Pan. Guess I'm not worth his precious time...  Hilarious, time stands still here. My thoughts are interrupted by a single note, a strange alluring sound. I turn around and see a boy, around my age, playing a flute. He stands in the middle of the forest, wearing dark green clothing and a dagger attached at his hips. He leans over his pipe, but stares up at me through his long, thick eyelashes. As he sees my puppy dog eyes, he smirks at me, sending shivers down my back and panic through my mind. He slowly backs into the forest, his emerald green eyes still locked with mine. I drop the dagger that was firmly clutched in my hand, and take a few paces closer to him, matching my foot work with his. It feels as if I can't control my movements and I'm following him against my will, but something about him, maybe his eyes or he smirk, that I find extremely interesting. He's intriguing, a mystery. My feet take me thought the woods with him, the eerie pipe still ringing in my ears, until I hear the shouts of boys and the light of fire coming from the woods. For the first time since I've seen this boy, I remove my gaze from his and look the boys that are now in front of me. I snap out of my trance and realize where I am.

The lost boy camp... Pans camp...

I look back at the boy, alarms pounding in my head. He's stopped playing his flute and his lips are curved into a snarl. His innocent look has gone and I can see the evil and lust raging in his eyes. My chest rises and falls in heavy breaths of fear as the boy walks towards me, one of his hands reaching up and caressing my cheek.

"Welcome to you new home, (Y/n)." How did he know my name? This lost boy is- wait. This isn't a lost boy. Oh how could I be so stupid?! This is the one and only, evil, demon himself, Peter Pan. Before questioning anything, I dart back into the forest with Pan right on my tail.

I run for several minutes, my breath hitched in my throat. Quickly, I dart behind a bunch of trees and bushes undetected by Pan, though he knows everything on the island. Maybe if I'm quite enough.

"Come on out, (Y/n). I mean no harm darling." He pauses for a brief moment, as if waiting for me to obey his request, but when I don't, a wave of darkness crosses his face.

"(Y/n), I will make you if that's what's necessary." His voice becomes stern and scary, but still, I don't move a muscle. He looks so evil with the moon reflecting off his dark face and the shadows that lurk around us cause me more fear and anxiety.

"Fine, you've made your choice. Just know you brought this on yourself." As I scrunch my eyes at his statement, Pan appears next to me. He yanks me up and slaps a hand over my mouth, leaving me helpless to scream. His other arm held my arms to my sides. The more I screamed and fought, the more he tightened his hold on me, making it impossible for me to move.

"I warned you, princess. All you had to do was obey." A sob escapes my mouth, making Pan chuckle at my vulnerability. At the moment, I was nothing more but putty in his hands. He made me melt, not only because I was afraid of him, but also because I found his dominance attractive. To me, that it more terrifying than just being afraid of him. I don't need to make the mistake of letting him play with me. Can you say danger?

"Please sweetie, come nicely. Otherwise, I'll be forced to hurt you and we don't want that do we?" His hot breath fans down my neck, sending a wave of sheer panic over me. I'm completely and utterly helpless right now. He can do with me as he wishes. Shyly, I nod my head, excepting his request.

"Good girl." Slowly, he removes his hand off my mouth and then off my waist. He takes hold of my forearm and pulls me in the direction of the camp, but I dig my heels into the ground.

"Please come with me. I don't want to hurt you, (Y/n), but I will if I must." I cross my arms in front of my chest and shake my head.

"What would you prefer then? The cages?" Again, I shake my head as he releases a long sigh. He comes closer to me, a soft look in his eyes. He gentle caresses my cheek in his hand, studying my face.

"At least say something." With a quick shake of my head, he comes closer.

"A women with power of will, I like it." I scrunch my eyes again, a smirk rising on his handsome face.

"What can I say (Y/n), you intrigue me." I smile at him, still refusing to talk. A smirk creeps onto his face, and he chuckles, breath still slapping my face.

"It seems you've managed to steel my heart with out saying a word, little one."

Hey guys!!!! Hope you liked that!!!! Make sure to check out my fan fic 'I promise my flower' one more chapter!!!!! I'll be letting you all know when I publish my new fan fiction! Luv ya!!!!!! Also if you haven't seen Robbie's new insta pic🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 hawt  Kay by! (See what I did there?!)

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