My Green Eyed Protector

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Requested by PansLostGirl1996
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NeverLand is my home now. I had an awful life in my old home, but Peter found me and sent his shadow to collect me. Now, I live happily in Peters camp with him and the lost boys. I must admit, I love being with the lost boys, but especially, I enjoy being with Peter. I've developed strong feelings for him, but I have no clue how he feels about me. I've thought about telling him how I feel, yet every time I look into his beautiful green eyes, I second guess myself and just can't do it. I wish I wasn't such a coward. Oh well.

"Y/n." Peter approaches me from behind and gently intertwines our fingers. He knows about my tough past with my family and friends, so he is always gentle with me. It made me feel special.

"Would you like to take a walk, love?" I smile and nod, looking into his eyes, but instantly looking down after I see the intriguing glimmer. Peter guides us through he woods, it being his island, he knows every rock, tree, and star by name. Some kind of animal growls from my left side, making me jump. Peter chuckles at my helplessness, gripping my hand tighter.

"Don't worry, darling. Nothing will ever hurt you as long as your with me." Peter reassures me. He's been extremely protective and even a little possessive over me. He always made me feel safe and cared for. He leads the two of us to a cliff, giving us a magnificent view of the stars and the NeverLand woods.

"Wow, this is absolutely beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen something so gorgeous."

"I certainly have." His sweet comment makes me blush, hard. I slowly look up at him to find he's already looking at me. His hypnotic eyes searching my soul for something that I just can't figure out, but I'm so afraid. I cleared my throat and moved back.

"Come with me. I want to show you something."

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. Learn to trust me, love." I roll my eyes playfully and follow him back into the woods, sticking closely behind him in fear of any predators that rule the night. I slowly start to tire out, so Peter slows down a bit and glances back at me. Again with his eyes. They are just so beautiful. I could get lost in them forever. I quickly look down at my feet until he removes his eyes from me. He's just so mesmerizing and I pushed him away.
I'm. An. Idiot.

Peters point of view-

I'm. An. Idiot. I never planned on falling in love, but with y/n, I just can't help it. She's so beautiful and harmless, but she's also adventurous and curious, something I really love about her. But she clearly doesn't like me. Every time I look at her, she looks away. It's almost as if she's afraid to look at me! Wait, is she afraid to look at me? Why would she be afraid to- My mind shifts to the first time we met.

                                                    -flashback, peters pov-

She stood in front of me, with her arms being held back by some of my lost boys. I was impressed with her. I sent my shadow to save her from her terrible home, but I had no idea so was so fiery. She managed to escape and knock out 3 of my boys.

"Who are you?!" She demanded. Her voice was strict, but still sounded smooth and innocent.

"I'm Peter, Peter Pan. And these here are my lost boys."

"So your the one in charge? Would you please tell your gaw dang little "lost boys" to get there grubby, boy hands off me?!" A dark chuckle leaves my mouth, a smirk following. I take several steps closer to her, our faces just inches apart.

"You've got fire, lucky for you," I grab her chin in my hand and tilt it up harshly, giving her no choice but to look at me.

"I happen to like fire." My smirk only grows as I see her bit her lip in fear, but then, her whole face softens. Several seconds of silence pass and she's still staring at me. My thumb traces her jawline, making soft patterns in her face.

"Seems we have a daydreamer." The boys chuckle, but y/n doesn't seem to be phased by my words at all.

"It's just- your eyes, they- n-never mind."

                                                             -end of flashback-

I had no idea how important and special she would become to me that day, but she certainly did. After a few more moments of walking, we arrive at my thinking tree. I normally never allow anyone up here but me, but I'm going to make sure y/n knows just how special she it to me.

Your point of view-

"We are here, love."

"Where is here?" Peter climbs up onto the lowest branch of the tree and extends one hand. He smiles down at me and pulls me up.

"Just follow me." Peter and I climb up to the top of the tree and when we reach the top, Peter pulls back some of the long leaves, reveling the NeverLand sky. It seemed so peaceful at night, yet so alive. I let out a gasp, shocked by the beauty of my surroundings.

"Still not the most beautiful thing on the island." I blush again. Gosh, I'm such a cheesy person. Peter pulls me under his arm and he and I watch this sky slowly turn the slightest shade of pink as the sun beings to rise.

"Do you come here often Peter?"

"All the time. That's why this is my thinking tree." Wait, this is his thinking tree?! He's never let anyone up here. He says it's to important of a place to him to let just anyone up here.

"Why would you allow me to come up here? I'm just-"

"This tree maybe a special thing to me, y/n, but you are much more special. More important to me than anything else in this world, more beautiful than the NeverLand sky, and more precious than than the most valuable gems or magic that this island has to offer." He slowly stares down at my blushing face. His eyes lock with mine and I look down.

"Look at me, darling. I don't bite. Much." I raise my head, giggling at his comment.

"There's that smile of yours I love so much." He smiles a cute, sincere smile at me.

"I love you y/n. I have since the day we met." I didn't move my eyes from his until we leave the tree. Because Peter Pan isn't my captor or master. No. He is my green eyed protector.

"I love you too, Peter Pan."

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