Her Shadow part 2

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I wake up, tightly tucked into a bed in some kind of tent. Then my memories from the previous events hit me. I got kidnapped. Not exactly a pleasant thought to wake up to. I roll out of bed and braid my hair to the side. Then, I walk out of the tent and find a camp, most likely Pans camp.
"Good morning princess." Quickly, I snap my head around to meet the gaze of the one and only, Peter Pan.
"Up already?"
"What do you want?" I ask harshly.
"Woah." He holds up his hands, pretending to surrender. "You don't have to be so uninviting."
"Actually I do."
"And exactly why is that?" I put my hands on my hips and cock my head to the side.
"You. Kidnapped. Me." He chuckles darkly while taking several paces closer to me.
"Well there's that." He continues to walk towards me until our noses are touching, both of us refusing to back up and hurt our pride.
"You are stubborn aren't you?" His lips curl into a devious smirk that dances across his face making my lips tremble.
"That makes two of us." Suddenly, he grabs my shoulders and shoves my back into a tree, the scratchy bark marking me grunt. Pan snatches my wrists up and easily pins them above my head. His eyes turn several shades darker, causing him to look like a monster.
"Don't you dare talk back to me. Because you'll only loose. Do you know why?" I continue to try to push him off me, but he only comes closer. "Peter Pan never fails. Don't test me y/n this is a battle you will loose time and time again, no matter how hard you try. You can't beat me. Do you understand me?" I lift my leg, trying to knee him in the stomach, but without looking down, he pushes my leg down and with his free hand pins my hips to the tree. His sudden movements makes me gasp and my heart skips a beat. Pan tightens his grip on my wrists.
"Do you understand me?" He repeats. I slowly nod my head, but he continues to tighten his hold on me.
"Use your words princess." I allow the look of hatred and arrogance to flow freely on my face.
"Yes." I reply shortly. "Now would you get off me?!"
This brings his smirk back to his face.
"Actually, I could used to this." His eyes trail all over me until they meet mine again.
"No matter how much you deny it, you like it."
I scoff at that. "Yeah I like it and your a charming, kind, hero. Doesn't really fit does it? I don't like it and your a delusional monster."
"You've got fire. Lucky for you, I happen to like fire." I roll my eyes.
"Yes. Lucky me." He lets go of my hands and pushes himself off of me, as he was practically putting his whole body on me before. It's dark, so I'm assuming I slept through the day. It must of been the spell he put on me or something. The other boys flood into the camp with a giant deer slung over one of the boys shoulders, so I'm assuming they went hunting.

Hours pass, and the boys dance around the fire as Pan plays his flute. As much as I hate to admit it, the sound of his flute is so relaxing, but strange at the same time. I stare at Pan through the fire, but once he glances at me, I quickly look away to coving my blushing cheeks. While no ones watching, I slip away from the camp, just to think. I think about my family and how being here was still not as bad as there. I wonder how Hook is doing. The pirate has been the kindest person I've ever known, that's pretty sad isn't it. I suddenly feel cold hands touch my shoulders from behind. Again, my heart races, though I know who it is.
"Enjoying yourself princess?" I can feel his hot breath fan across my neck. I slowly turn around in his arms.
"Not at all."
"Oh come on. I know you like it here."
"What makes you so sure?" He raises an eyebrow and smirks at me, but not arrogantly, but slyly.

"You know Y/N. You don't have to be a shadow here. NeverLand is a place for the lost to be who they are. Stop denying that you like it here, don't pull away when you think you've found a home. You'll never know happiness if you don't let love in." I couldn't help but smile.

"You are quite the poet." He chuckled.

"I have my moments." He said. "Now no more running, no more shadows. NeverLand is your home and we are your family."

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