Her Shadow part 1

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I was tired of fighting. With my parents, my siblings, and the people who called themselves my friends. I heard there was a ship that could take me away, to a new land and I wanted to get away so badly. The ship was leaving at midnight, so I waited until the whole village was sleeping and then, I dressed myself in a dark green tunic, black pants, ankle high boots, a black cape with a hood covering my face, and a dagger, hidden at my waist. I do my best to conceal my hair inside the hood so everyone will think Im a boy. Slowly, I climb out the window of my bedroom and walk to the docks, about a mile from my village. Once I reach the docks, it's mostly quiet, except for a few men out on their ships. I walk in a small tavern, crawling with sailors and pirates.
"Aye boy!" A pirate with long black leather clothes, a scruffy goatee, and a Hook approaches me.
"Whatcha doing here boy?!"
"I'm looking for the Captain of the Jolly Roger. Do you know where I can find him?" I try to make my voice sound deeper than it really is.
"Well it seems you already have." He takes a small bow. "What can I do for you boy?"
"I want to join your crew, to sail across the world with you and fight with you."
"Ah. Well why should I let you join me? What do you have to offer?" I take a few steps closer to him.
"I can hunt, sail, and fight. Hand to hand or with most any weapon."
"Well I suppose an extra pair of hands couldn't hurt. You should know, we're leaving this land tonight and we don't have any plans to be back soon."
"Perfect." I say smirking.
"Well then, welcome aboard! Mr Smee! Buy a sailor a drink!" The men hand me a glass of rum or some kind of alcohol that I'm NOT drinking. We laugh and talk for hours. Just enjoying being free.

After a long time, Captain Hook, as we call him, said it was time for departure. So we loaded onto the Jolly Roger. I'll be honest, it was a bit of a rough ride to this new world.
"Alright men! We arrived!"
One of the new men spoke up.
"But Captain, where are we?"
"NeverLand. The ruler of this island is Peter Pan." There are several gasps and dropped jaws through the crowd.
"Yes. Many of you have heard of him. All you need to know is not to trust him. He may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon. You."
He pointed directly at me.
"You have first watch. The rest of you dogs get to bed." The men quickly rushed below the deck. Hook walks back to me with a sword and sheath in his hand.
"Use it if you must." I slowly nod my head as he walks down to the Captains quarters. I sit on the deck for hours, keeping watch.
"Hello." I hear from behind me. I jolt up and pull out my sword. There, in front of me smirking, is a boy. He wears a dark green and brown patched up shirt, dark pants, knee high boots, leather wrist cuffs, and a dagger at his hips. He has light brown hair that hangs loosely in his face, soft features, and amazing emerald green eyes.
"Who are you?"
"Oh did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter, Peter Pan." That's it. I push him against the mask of the ship and push my sword against his neck.
"Why are you on the Jolly Roger?"
"I could ask you the same thing."
"CAPTAIN!" After a minute, Hook comes up to the deck with some of the men.
"What do you want Pan?" Some other boys climb into the ship and they end up out numbering us, but I keep my grip on Pan.
"I've come to help you actually."
"And just how are you planning on doing that?"
Hook asks, getting rather worried about the lack of men we have.
"I'm here to, how you say, expose a mole, the elephant in the room if you will."
"What are you talking about?" Hook asks, although I know exactly what he means. He suddenly yanks the sword out of my hands and pulls me into his chest, digging the sword into my neck. He then rips the hood off my head, exposing my face and letting my hair fall around my shoulders.
"How on earth could you mistake this pretty little face for a boy Hook? Now I've come to propose a deal. I'll take her off your hands and in exchange I want you to leave my camp alone while your here."
"Not happening Pan." Hook looks back at me and can tell how afraid I am.
"She may be a lady, but she's a part of the crew and your not taking her anywhere." Pan grabs a fist full of my hair and yanks my head back, causing me to squeal. He chuckles and places his head in the crook of my neck, making me squirm around, trying to get free.
"Look at how weak she is Hook. You have no need of her."
"But we'll have her none the less." Imagine that, the pirate being more merciful and more of a gentleman than anyone else.
"I was afraid you'd say that. Now we'll just have to take her." The other boys and the Pirates begin to fight. Pan throws me down to the ground and two of the boys tie my hands behind my back and keep me on the ground. Pan fights with Hook, while I'm forced to watch the boys murder innocent people, all because of me. At least a dozen of the Pirates are dead now.
"STOP!!!" I yell as loud as I can. The fighting suddenly comes to a halt.
"Pan, if you stop this, I'll come with you. And I won't try to run away or expect to be rescued, if you just... Stop." A large smirk appears on his face as he struts in front of Hook, showing him he won.
"You heard her boys!" The boys jump off the ship and land in smaller boats, but Pan picks me up and flies off the ship.
"Smart girl." He mumbles as he throws me over his shoulder.
"Where are you taking me?" I demand.
"You'll find out soon enough, y/n."
"H-how did you know my name?" I can feel the vibration in his body as he chuckles.
"I know everything about you. Now," he sets me down in the middle of the forest and blows some kind of dust in my face.
"Sweet dreams." The last thing I see before I blackout is him carrying me with a huge smirk spread across his face.

Who wants a part 2?! Let me know in the comments and send me requests!!! Luv ya! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

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