Trust Me

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Request from PansLostGirl1996
I've been on NeverLand for a few months now, and the only real information I've gathered is that Peter Pan is nothing like in the fairytale a and storybooks. He's the most dark, cruel, threatening person I've ever met. Many of the lost boys told me he was no where near as mean as he normally was since I've come. They said he takes mercy on me which, to be honest, I could really use around here. I have a fiery, sassy side, but I mostly conceal it with shyness. Don't get me wrong, I could beat the crap out of any of these boys, but what's the point? I'd end up in a cage or Pan having to punish me. Apparently, he will beat those who break his rules senseless if necessary. I really don't plan on getting on his bad side, at least, not now. Other than his and the lost boys shameless acts to flirt with me, they, with the exception of Pan, are pretty nice. Their a bit sexist and annoying at times, but I just keep telling myself that this is the way they've lived for a good few hundred years.

I've been sitting alone by the fire for about an hour, watching as the lost boys dance. Tonight even Felix is dancing and everyone seems to be in a good mood, even Pan.
"Y/n come dance!" Devin, one of the lost boys, hold out his hand for me to take it, but I slowly reject it.
"I-I don't think so."
"Come on!" I roll my eyes playfully.
"Fine." I grab his hand and dance with him around the fire. Pan looks up at me, still playing his flute, and smirks in between notes. I sway my hips to the music, Devin still holding onto my hands. The boys begin to clap their hands and then I'm passed to Felix. He's actually a good dancer. He and I dance wildly for a while before the rest of the boys join back in and I sit down for a rest. Pan stares at me from across the fire with a look I can't exactly identify. It's somewhere between a lustful stare and a proud one. He puts his flute down after finishing the song and raises an eyebrow at me. I slowly stand up and walks towards him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He stands up and moves away from the log he sat on earlier.
"How would you prefer I look at you, darling?"
"How about not at all?" He chuckles to himself, walking closer to me still.
"I don't think I can manage that."

I blow out some air I've been sucking in

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I blow out some air I've been sucking in.
"Well I'll make sure not to do it again."
"No. Don't do that, darling. Why would you want to deprive us all of such a lovely gift?" He face is now only inches away from mine, making me nervous and more than anything, afraid. He sees this in my eyes and smirks, pleased with the way him being so closer affected me. He reaches up and pets my face.
"Are you nervous, darling? You should be." He leans forward, my lips awaiting his, but then reality kicks in. I quickly back away, facing his smirking face.
"Run away all you want, but I will have you. Trust me." At that, I turn and take off into the woods. What's wrong with me? I'll admit, I always thought Pan was attractive and maybe I have a bit of a crush on him, but I would never act on my feelings. Feelings? I scoff, I don't even know what I feel.

I sit down by the edge of a cliff a a long time, just as confused as before. I hear a swish behind me, but before I can turn around, words follow the sound.
"Mind if I join you, sweetheart?" Pan. Without waiting for my response, he sits down next to me, looking up at the stars.
"Why not." We sits in silence of a while, just looking at the view. My head begins to nod and sleepiness over takes me.
When I wake up, I see the sunrise peeking over the cliff. Wait. What am I sleeping on? I slightly sit up to see the one, the only, Peter Pan, holding me at my waist.
"Good morning, darling."
Attractive morning voice? Check!
"Morning. W-what happened?"
"You fell asleep. I didn't want to wake you so I just stayed out with you to keep you safe. Couldn't let my little lost girl getting hurt could I?" Color rises to my cheeks as he calls me 'his'
"T-thanks y-you." He slowly sits the both us us up, using one arm to elevate himself and the other drapes around my waist.
"Still nervous?" He laughs genuinely at my shameful look.
"Calm down, darling, it's only me." He face suddenly becomes very serious.
"Last night when I tried to wake you, you said you couldn't come with me. And when I ask you why, you said you didn't trust me. I don't blame you. Trusting a monster like myself would be difficult." His facial expressions and his heart-felt words brought tears to my eyes. He slowly dropped his head, afraid of rejection.

"Peter," he slowly looks back at me

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"Peter," he slowly looks back at me.
"Your not a monster." He suddenly smashes his lips onto mine, shocking me, but I melt into the kiss also. It was so short and sweet, but filled with so much passion and meaning.

When we both pulled away, it was only for air. I put my head back on his chest and he held me tighter. For the first time in my life, I feel completely safe and comfortable.
"Trust me?" He asks with hope yet uncertainty.

Hope you enjoyed it!!!!! Please send me requests!!!!!!!!!!

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