Being married to Pan

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Being married to Pan would include-

-Late night walks in the NeverLand Forest

-Him always being worried sick about you when you come home a little late from your daily hunting trip

-You getting flustered when he uses the 'because I love you' card

-Him always needing to hold your hand or have his arms around you in some way, and him always saying, "just to make sure your not a figment of my imagination."

-He forgets about his work to take care of you when your sick

-Giving you random romantic gifts

-Him waking you up in the morning with a kiss to your forehead

-you being the only person who can always see past his mask:

You watched as Peter came into your shared tent, a bewildered look on his face. He stood over his desk, his back facing you, and lowered his head slightly. You stood up slowly from your bed, your fingers softly tugging at the bottom of your shirt, well, Peter's shirt that you took. He always found it hilarious how his shirts nearly reached your knees.

"Peter." You whispered. You watched as his muscles tensed and confusion took over your features.

"Peter, what's wrong?" He cleared his throat, lifting his head back up.

"Nothing." His voice was confident, but it didn't fool you. Before you two fell in love, you had spent countless hours looking at him, studying his face and moods. He knew he couldn't hide from you, but you knew he must be hurting.

"Peter. Tell me." Though your voice was soft, it was still rather demanding. Hesitantly, he complied, turning around and looking you straight in the eyes. His cheeks were reddened, his forest green eyes were bloodshot, his teeth biting down on his lip so he wouldn't cry.

"Oh, Y/N." A chocked sob followed his words as he placed his hands over his face, trying desperately to hide his tears. You instantly reacted, running to him and wrapping your arms around his torso. He didn't hesitate to return the gesture, squeezing you with all his might. You didn't count the minutes you two spent in this position, but you did know it was a long time. Your husband, the stone, mighty, all powerful Peter Pan, cried on your shoulder for what seemed like forever for some unknown reason, but you could only assume it wasn't good.

"Peter, listen to me. Just tell me what happened." You pulled him back, looking into his reddening eyes as you gently wiped the tears from his face. He took several deep breaths, containing himself to the best of his abilities. You softly tugged on his hair, twisting the sandy brown locks in your fingers, inwardly calming Peter down.

"H-Hook. He threatened to hurt you." He mumbled, cupping your face with his hands. Your brows furrowed into a line.

"You know Hook is all talk, so why did that bother you so much?"

"Because Y/N!" His voice cracked, making something stir inside you. He was always so strong and to see him so vulnerable was simply heart breaking,

"Because." He calmed himself. "What if one day I do fail? What if one day I can't save you, and I can't loose you! You're all I have!" In that moment, you did the one thing Peter didn't expect you to do. You smiled, jumping up on your toes and lightly kissing his forehead.

"You won't loose me, you're Peter Pan! Peter Pan never fails! Besides, you're my husband and I love you no matter what. The sooner you get that through that thick skull of yours the better." You chuckled, bringing a small smile to his face.

"Now then, no more tears. I'm not going anywhere." His eyes had a flash of mischief, life instantly filling his forest green orbs once more. A small smile played upon his lips, and his arms wrapped around you once more.

"Of course not, because your my queen and I'll love and protect you forever."

He never broke that promise to you.....

-you two loving each other unconditionally......

Should I do more like these? Please let me know! And if you like my song inspired imagines please tell me.


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