Her Handsome Hero

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Hey! So don't worry this is just like an intro on YouTube videos. So I'm just gonna say please enjoy! I already have your view, maybe even your vote. *wink wink* 😂

Okay I'm finished now.



"Y/N, darling." Pan seethed, stopping Y/N as she slung her bow over her shoulder. She gave him an annoyed huff, turning to meet his eyes.

"What do you think your doing?" He smiled in a fake manner, infuriating her, yet she showed no sigh of it on her face.

"I'm going on the hunting trip with the boys."

"No you aren't."

"Yes I am."

"Y/N, you aren't-"

"You can't stop me!"

"You aren't going and that's final!" His hands flung in the air as he stepped closer to her. His eyes narrowed on the girl before him who was fuming with anger.

"Why can't you ever do as you're told?" Pan asked, speaking in a tone Y/N could hardly stand. He always did this to her. He never let her participate in anything except chores, but then again, he barley let her help with those.

"Why do you feel the need to control me?" She argued.

"I'm not having this conversation again, Y/N!" Pan brought his hand up to his face, pinching the bridge of his nose in between his fingers. He was tired, oh so tired of fighting with her night and day, though they were both to stubborn to let the other win the battle.

"You never let me do anything to help!"

"Please. Like you could help anyone." Pan snapped, pushing his limits. No one truly wanted to be anywhere near the two when they were arguing, but even Pan knew that an angry Y/N was a dangerous thing. She was like a ticking time bomb, a grenade if you will. To much pushing and everything would explode.

"I'm so sick of this, Peter!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, not fully realizing she used his first name. Then again she didn't care.

"And I have had enough of this arguing!"

"Then let me-"

"NO!" The animalistic roar caused Y/N to jump, gaining the full attention of the entire island so to speak. "I said enough of the arguing! You live in my realm, on my island, in my camp, under my provision! You will do as I say! And I said you aren't going. Stop with your whining and complaining!"

They boys watched in awe as their leader made the girl, who seemed to never be afraid of him, cower backwards in fear. The blood has drained from her face and she stayed cautious of Pans hands that had subconsciously formed a circle around her neck. They weren't touching her, but he looked as if he would strangle her at any given moment.

Pan looked down at his hands, clenching them into a fist. He examined the girls eyes, smirking at the amount of fear he aroused. It infuriated Y/N to no extent, but she stayed silent.

"Now." He said, pointing behind him. "The boys and I are going hunting. Why don't you stay here and do whatever it is girls do. Go over there, sit still and look pretty." Y/N's face turned bright red.

How dare he say such a thing. She thought.

Pans looked at her in victory, thinking he had won, yet he nor the boys expected Y/N to do what she did next. The sound echoed through the air as she landed a cold, harp slap on the green eyed boy's cheek.

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