Please, come home

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Requested by PaigePangrazio
I'm so so so sorry this took so long💚
I sat at the end of mine and Peters shared bed. I was scared to death, scared to tell him what had happened.

I was pregnant with Peter Pans baby. I had no idea how to tell him. What if he didn't want the baby? What if he doesn't love me anymore? Does he even love me at all?

"Paige?" I jumped at the sound of his voice, shoving my positive pregnancy test into my boot. There was just no way I could tell him right now. Peter entered the room, staring at me with confused eyes, he almost looked somewhat sad.

"What is it?"

"Will you please walk with me? There's something I've been meaning to tell you." That instantly worried me, but I nodded and took his outstretched hand, allowing him to lead me away from the treehouse.

Hundreds of questions ran through my head as we walked to the shoreline. Should I tell him? Should I wait? How can I possibly tell him? What if he leaves me? What will happen to me? If he's not happy with me, he might just throw me in a cage for the rest of forever.

"Paige. Paige. Paige! Snap out of it!" He waved a hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

"Sorry." He intertwined our fingers gently.

"You must have been pretty deep in thought." That was true, but I wasn't going to tell him he was correct, or he'd ask me what I was thinking about, and then he'd pry the information out of me. That isn't how he needs to find out.

"I guess I'm just tired. I couldn't sleep well last night." He turned around to face me once we reached the ocean, he was clearly nervous or afraid of something, but I had no idea what about.

"Paige... The people who can to the island, they killed three of the boys, th-they're killing anyone they can to get to me. I-." He took a deep breath, his previous statement about the boys ringing in my ears.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to have to do this.",

"Peter, what are you talking abou-" suddenly, Peters shadow comes up behind me, grabbing the collar of my shirt and slightly pulling me off the ground before Peter grabbed onto my hand again.

"Peter?! What's going on?!" His eyes were watery, and as his lips began to tremble, I realized what he was doing.

He was sending me away.

"I have to protect you!"

"No! Peter, let me stay. Everything will be okay!" He came closer, putting his other hand on my face, stroking back my hair.

"No it won't. If you stay, my enemies will kill you simply because I love you!" I grabbed onto the front of Peters shirt, pulling him closer to me as much as possible. Tears were streaming down my face, falling onto the sand in pools.

"If you loved me, you wouldn't do this! Your putting so much at stake, so much your throwing away! Please just-"

"No, Paige. This is one thing you can't change. Goodbye, my darling." He started to pry my hands off him, I was kicking and screaming, pleading with him to stop. He finally got my hands off him, but he couldn't seem to let go of me.

"Peter, if you do this, I will never forgive you." I saw a tear drop from his eye as he slowly loosened his grip on my hand, my heart shattering into a billion pieces.

"Then I'm sorry. I'll always love you, Paige." That when he let go. The shadow flew into the air, snatching me away from the only life I've ever known, the only family I've ever had, the only man I've ever loved...

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