The Heart of My Guardian Angel

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Third person POV

"Y/N, you must understand the importance of this task." Zeus, the Greek god of life and all things good told her, preparing to send her to him. Y/N nodded her head understandingly, knowing the cost of failure was great. Both her soul and the boy she was meant to watch over soul could be lost forever.

Y/N closed her eyes, feeling the magic running through her. The wind picked up wildly around her, but soon calmed. As she slowly opened her eyes, she knew she had made it. To the land dreaded by all, the land she was never allowed to speak of, let alone visit.

The Underworld...

Y/N quickly made her way through the streets of the what looked like a small town, heading towards a specific shop. His shop. Several moments of walking passed by, but she slowly found herself standing in front of her destination. She took a deep breath, shakily opening the door. Y/N found the shop completely empty, apart from it's contense of collected items.

"We are closed." A harsh voice said, pulling the girl out of her trance. Y/N looked up, her eyes meeting his. Though she had watched over him his entire life, never once had she met him in person.  Y/N would be the first to admit how terrifying it truly was. The evil, the brokenness that was so apparent in his forest green orbs. His pain was undeniable, but of course, Y/N already knew this.

The girl stood in front of Peter Pan, unknowing of wether to smile or show her fear. Pan looked at her clothes, a knowing smirk crossing his lips. Those trapped in the Underworld dressed like those in the modern world, but this girl most certainly didn't belong here.

"People don't dress like that down here."  He said vaguely, slowly walking out from behind his counter. Pan began to circle her, trying to intimidate her, but she knew all his tricks and was unafraid.

"That can only mean one thing." He said, his smirk growing as he leaned closer to her ear.

"You're living." Pan whispered, thinking she was shaking with fear, but Y/N merely nodded her head, dismissing his intimidating act. Pan furrowed his eyebrows into a straight line, unsure of his own confidence, though he didn't let it waver.

"Yes." Y/N replied softly, taking a small step away from him as she gave him a bright smile.

"My name is Y/N. I'm here to help you." She said, her smile staying on her lips despite his confused face. Pan's expression quickly changed from confusion to anger. He let out a dark, throaty chuckle, placing his hand over his chest where his heart should lie.

"How sweet. Let me guess." He mocked her. "If i promise to be on my best behavior and love you, then you will save me?" Pan laughed , though Y/N was completely unamused.

"Well, I don't need your help and I most certainly do not need your love. I-"

"You don't understand who I am, do you?" She interjected, cutting him off completely. Pan huffed in annoyance, putting his hands on his hips as he slowly shook his head. He waited- most impatiently- for her answer, tapping his foot on the ground to speed along the process.

"I have watched over you your entire life. As you grew up, as you walked through hell, as you experienced pain. Everyday you lived, I've lived it with you. You just didn't realize it. I couldn't save you from becoming evil, but I can save you now, Malcolm." Y/N said smoothly, as if she had rehearsed it a million times.

Pan quickly clenched his fists, his finger nails almost cutting through his skin. He swiftly came closer to her, glaring down at her. His eyes bore into hers, his glare strong enough to make a grown man cry.

"Don't ever say that name again." He growled, making Y/N sigh, nodding her head. He slowly stepped back, still holding her gaze. Pan crossed his arms over his chest, still confused by the girl.

"Not many have lived longer than I did. What kind of creature are you?" He asked, rather forwardly. Y/N almost chuckled at his bluntness, her light smile returning as she looked at him. Though the world saw the evil, the villain, she still saw the broken little boy he had always been.

"I'm what the mortal world calls a guardian angel." She said. "But I am your guardian angel. Everyone has one, wether they believe it or not and I am here because you have been given a second chance." Y/N said, nearly chocking on her honesty. Pan furrowed his eyebrows once more, narrowing his eyes on her.

"A second chance to do what, exactly?" He asked. Y/N laughed softly, slowly walking closer to him and grabbing his hand. She locked eyes with him once more, but this time, his gaze was calm, almost kind.

"Live." She whispered, tears stinging at her eyes. He was still that little boy in the inside, yet she was one of the only ones who could see past the wrong doing, past his pain. He was only a boy who appeared as a beast to the rest of the world. A boy who gave up all hope for redemption, a boy who wanted to change so desperately, but was to afraid.

Y/N placed his hand over her heart, looking into his green eyes before he moved them down to his hand. Something clicked in his mind, making him realize what she was doing. The look of surprise was completely noticeable on his boyish features, making Y/N inwardly chuckle.

"Now, this is why I have come." She whispered, a single tear dripping from her eye.

"My heart is pure, its strong enough for both of us. Split it, live again, and fulfill your destiny." Y/N said, completely sure of what she wanted. She was always meant to lead him towards good, but he had been so blinded by pain that he could no longer decide what was good and what was not. This was her chance to help redeem him, to give him his best chance.

"You're sure of this?" Pan asked, tearing his eyes away from their hands as he returned it to hers. She nodded her head, taking a deep breath as she closed her eyes. She felt Pan's hand sink into her chest, a whimper of pain falling from her lips. After a moment, Pans hand left her chest, along with her heart. Y/N gasped at the feeling, opening her eyes slowly.

Pan stood with the glowing heart in his hand, almost admiring how sinless it was. He looked back up at her, giving her a small nod of reassurance. He was holding two lives in the palm of his hand, yet Y/N only saw it as his.

As quickly as possible, Pan twisted her heart, snapping it in two pieces. Y/N gasped, jumping as Pan slammed one half of her heart back into her chest. She felt slightly empty, though she was certain this was best. Pan handed her the other half of her heart, knowing that as he once held her life, she  was now holding his.

Y/N pressed the heart against his chest, nodding reassuringly as she quickly shoved it in. Pan stumbled back, clutching his chest slightly. His eyes stayed on the floor as he caught his breath, slowly looking up at Y/N.

"How do you feel?" She asked him, still shaking lightly. Pan smiled- a true smile- making Y/N's heart melt. She watched as the lost boy came closer to her once more, his eyes slightly watering. Truly this was what she was born for. To save the most lost broken soul and give him the joy she now saw in his eyes.

He grabbed onto her hand, uttering the words that fulfilled Y/N's purpose...



Hey guys! Im sorry its been so long since I've posted. You honestly wouldn't believe how busy my life got all of the sudden. Anywhooooo. If you guys liked this imagine please leave me a comment. I love getting feedback from you lovely lil beans. I just came up with idea one day to give Pan a guardian angel, so please let me know what you think! Luv ya beans.

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