"What?" "I love you."

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So my life is pretty normal.

Hook is my father, I live on his ship, and we have been in NeverLand for nearly 10 years. Also, did I mention I'm secretly married to Peter Pan.

Yeah, I know. Probably should have mentioned that before. But it's not what you might think. Our marriage wasn't a part of any deal or bargain, I wasn't forced into it, and he never kidnapped me. It was because I fell in love with him. I remember the day we met like it was yesterday.


"Y/n, I said I don't want you to go ashore."

"Father, I'll be fine! Couldn't you send one of the crew members with me? We will be here for years! I have to go ashore some time. Please father?! Pleas please please-"

"Uhg. Find. But you better be back on this ship in an hour or I'll burn this bloody island down until I find you." I chuckle slightly at my Fathers protectiveness.

"I know. I'll be fine. I love you."

"I love you too, y/n. Chase!" One of the young, strong crew members, Chase, walks towards us.

"Go with y/n onto the shore. Watch out for dream shade, lost boys, and Pan." Chase nods and he and I finally go ashore.

"So Chase, why is my father so afraid of Pan?" He rubs the back of his neck uncomfortably.

"He's a monster, y/n. The few who have told stories about him are traumatized. The rest never lived to tell the tales. That's why he's so afraid of Pan and-"

"And rightly so." Chase and I draw our swords and whip around. Before I can say or do anything, the boy that now stands in front of us waves his hand over Chases face and he falls asleep. As Chase hits the ground, the boy walks closer to me.

"Stay back, unless you want this sword in your spleen." He continues to walk towards me, but once he reaches me, he kneels down and checks Chases pulse.

"Trust me, darling. I'm doing you a favor." He opens the satchel Chase had slung over his arm and reveled rope, knifves, and various bottles of poison. I gasp, realizing Chase had bad intentions.

"B-but why-"

"He's a dirty pirate." He stood up, but looked down at Chase, snarling.

"W-who, who are you?"

"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter, Peter Pan." He looked like he was bracing himself for me to attack him, but instead, I put my sword back in my holster.

"Your Hooks daughter, y/n? Right?" I slowly nod my head, he comes closer to me still, is being centimeters apart.

"Why didn't you attack me? I'm sure your father has told you what a monster he thinks I am."

"Well I don't trust you, but if you wanted to hurt me, you would have just let Chase kill me." He scrunches his eyebrows, still confused by my answer.

"What makes you think I haven't come here just to kidnap you myself?" He looks down at me, studying my body. But not in a creepy way, just a curious one. Well then, two can play at that game.

"Well go ahead." He smirks at me, but backs away. He walks off into the forest.

"Wait! Where are you going?!"

"Don't worry, darling. I'll be back for you."

                                                            -end of flashback-

He's always been gentle with me. He was my hero. He still is and will always be. We've been married for nearly a year now, but I'm not going to be able to hide it anymore. Somethings happened. Something I can't hide from Peter, my father, or even the lost boys.

I'm pregnant.

I'm afraid. I'm afraid everyone and everything I know will reject me. My father would be furious with me and what if Peter doesn't want me or the baby anymore? I've got to get out of here.

"Peter." I whisper. He quickly appears in front of me.

"What is it, love? Are you alright?" He instantly scoops me into a hug, placing his hand on the back of my head.

"I'm fine. It's just I-I, I want to, well-"

"Y/n clam down. Tell me what's going on." He pulls me back and looks genuinely concerned. Peter slowly and gently caresses my cheek in his hand.

"I wanna get out of here. I want to go back to camp with you. For good." A large smile (not smirk, but a smile!!!!) appears in his face, but soon is replaced by a look of worry.

"What about your father? He won't aprove of th-"

"I don't care. I think it's only fair that I should get to live with my husband." His smile returns as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Well then, let's go." With a snap of his fingers, we appear at the camp. He holds my hand and leads us both into his treehouse. There is nothing more comforting then falling asleep, warped in the arms of the man I love the most.

I've been living at the camp with Peter and the boys for about a month now. My father thought Peter kidnapped me and has attempted to 'rescue' me, but failed. I've done my best in training to stay slim, but it's only natural for me to gain some weight. I haven't told Peter yet. I just can't. I'm to scared. Call me a coward or a tease, but I can't. I've figured out a way to tell him though. I just hope he's not mad.

"Hey Peter."

"Hello, love." He plants a small kiss on my fore head. Alright, let's do this.

"You wanna do something?"

"Like what?"

"Umm. How bout a race?"

"Seriously?" I nod my head, a sassy expression written on my face.

"Fine then, but don't be upset when you loose." I roll my eyes playfully at his cockiness.

"As if."

"What do I win?"

"IF you win, you get a reward." Peter and I take our places and dart off to dead mans peak. I'm fast, but Peters faster. He's only stronger, bigger, and knows the island better. Also, carrying two humans at the same time is really difficult. Once we reach the top of the cliff, he isn't even out of breath.

"Told you I'd win."

"Yeah yeah yeah, Peter Pan never fails." He smirks at me and lazily drapes his arm over my shoulder.

"Your the one who said it. Now then, I believe I was promised a reward." I slowly nod at him and hand him a sheet of paper. As he reads it, I wait next to him, getting extremely nervous because of the words on the sheet paper. The words could change my life forever.

'You can collect your reward in about 9 months!'

Peter slowly looks up at me.

"A-are you- are we... Pregnant?"

With another nod of my head, Peter smiles and scoops me up in his arms, laughing and crying. He puts me down and smashed his lips onto mine. I can't believe how excited he is. It's so cute!!! He pulls away, the both of us smiling.

"This is wonderful news!"

"I'm glad your happy." He puts a hand on my stomach and starts to cry tears of joy. After a moment he looks up at me and finds me still smiling.


"I love you."

"I love you too, y/n. More than anything in this world."

Requested by Giselle19871987

Hey guys!!!! I hope you enjoyed that imagine! It was a bit different from my usual imagines, but I totally love this one. So much fluff! Make sure to leave requests!!! Luv ya!💚💚💚💚

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