Through It all

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Okay. So this imagines is going to be a Pan x daughter imagine, but there is going to be a mother too. For the sake of the story, Y/N's moms name will be Willow. If your name is Willow, hehe. Sorry😂😑

Anyway, so for this imagine, the back story is a little complicated. Willow and Pan have lived in NeverLand for years, settled down, got married, and had a baby. Y/N is their baby. Willow wants their child to age so they can raise her so they work out a deal with the shadow so their child could age. She grows until she is sixteen, the whole heart of the truest believer thing happens, but Pan doesn't die. He, Willow, and Y/N stay in Storybrooke in peace. Eventually, everyone warms up to Pan and they become friends.

Ya feel? Hope you enjoy!!!

Third Person POV


Y/N plopped down on the couch, her parents running in the room after saying goodbye to Sheriff Swan. Both her parents were furious, but Peter was doing a slightly better a job of hiding it. Willow, on the other hand, was fuming, practicality shaking with anger.

"Shop lifting?! Are you serious?!" Willow yelled, planting herself in front of Y/N. Peter stood behind her, intertwining their fingertips to calm her anger.

"Mom, you don't understand." Y/N said, only to be cut short by her mother.

"No I don't! What were you thinking?!" She yelled. "Clearly you mustn't have been thinking! What has gotten into you?!" Y/N stood up abruptly, clenching her fists next to her sides. She stamped her foot on the ground, glaring at her mother.

"Would you stop yelling and let me speak for once?!" She screamed, her arms flying up before she placed her hands on her hips. Peter stepped to Willows side, coming closer to Y/N.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at your mother, young lady." Peter said, keeping his voice low to contain his anger. Peter pointed his finger at the couch and Y/N slowly sank back down, her hands flopping onto her lap. She loved her father, but he could be very scary when he wanted to be. Y/N averted her eyes to her hands, looking anywhere but into her fathers eyes.

"Now then," he said. "You both are going to stop yelling and calm down." Peter said, his fists unclenching as Willow grabbed onto his arm. He stared at his daughter, he knew this was more then just a teenager rebelling. After all, he was a teenager himself, but he and Willow had been around for hundreds of years. They saw the world through different eyes. Y/N was still learning.

"Y/N, you are going to calm that temper of yours and tell your mother and I why you did it." He said. Y/N looked up, leaning back on the couch as if this were a casual conversation.

"Why is it even that big of a deal?!" She whined, ignoring her fathers 'look' that all teenagers know.

"Why is it even..." Her mother repeated. "Because you brought the law." Willow said, trying to listen to Peter and keep her temper from exploding. Peter signed, running a hand through his messy brown hair.

"You may have gotten away with things in NeverLand, but you can't just get away with whatever you want here. I made the rules in NeverLand, I don't make them here. But you will abide by the rules wherever you live, do you understand me?" Peter said, staring directly into her eyes.

"No." She seethed.

"Excuse me?"

"I said no." Y/N snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. She ignored 'the look' she was getting from both her parents. Willow had lost it yet again, but Peter knew there was something wrong that Y/N wasn't telling them. He knew his daughter, he knew there was something more then what meets the eye.

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