Everything Must Come to an End

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Please read the authors note at the end.

Third Person POV

Neverland. The land of dreams. It was a magical place that children often visited in their dreams. Some were even lucky enough to get to visit the island in person. There were children who had been coming in their dreams for years and years. Elizabeth was one of those children. She had been going to Neverland in her dreams for as long as she could possibly remember. She was a troubled child, had quite the difficult family life. She had experienced pain that she could hardly put into words. She was a lost little girl when she first found Neverland. How could the life she lived really be all there was? She hoped there was something else out there that might make her happy. And when she found Neverland, she finally found it. She found what she was looking for. Something to distract her from her real life.

In her dreams, Elizabeth would visit at night. The moon in the Neverland sky was always full. The stars were always bright. The air was cool and crisp. Upon a child's arrival, the leaves would rustle, the wind would blow and then when the child would open their eyes, they would be standing in Pan's camp.

It was the same sort of night. Elizabeth was dancing and playing with the lost boys and other dreamers who visited Neverland when Pan slowly walked up to her to speak with her. He was Neverland's King. He was the protector and guardian of the sleeping children.

"Lizzie." Pan said, gently grabbing ahold of her hand. He pulled her aside, a smiling lining her lips.

"Peter. What is it?" She asked, a bit out of breath from dancing with the lost boys.

"I need to speak with you. It's important." Pan's voice was soft, but still stern, as it always was. He certainly showed favoritism with Lizzie. She had been coming for so long. He and the rest of the boys had gotten attached to her.

"Is everything alright, Peter?" She questioned, sweeping her long, dark hair off of her shoulders.

"Lizzie... You've been coming here for a long time. You've made me, the lost boys, and the other dreamers so incredibly happy. You're special... but you're nearly eighteen." He said. The smile slowly dropped from Elizabeth's lips. She had never even thought of that. She wasn't really in Neverland. She was growing up.

"This is my last time here, isn't it?" Elizabeth mumbled, looking down. Her escape, the place she thought of as her home, it was going to be taken away for good. No more pretending. She would have to face the real world head on.

"Yes... it is..." Peter agreed, gently taking her hand. He actually didn't want to see her go. There were times when he resented a child for growing up towards the end, but he knew she'd give anything not to.

"I'm sorry, Lizzie. It's how things work around here. Everything must come to an end." He muttered, everting his eyes to the ground.

"No.... it doesn't. Neverland doesn't. Maybe for me, but not for you. Besides... who is to say it has to end for me? It will be in my heart forever. This place, this island... you and the boys, you made me who I am. I was just a lost, sad, unloved, and unwanted girl until I came here. You gave me what I really needed. A family." Elizabeth whispered, slowly looking back up at him. Pan stared into her eyes. For some reason, even he found himself a bit teary eyed. saying goodbye was never easy.

"You'll always be my favorite." He chuckled, making her laugh as well. She took both of his hands and closed her eyes.

"I will miss this place..." Her heart ached. It felt heavy. She knew this was a loss no one would ever understand. It was only a dream... but was it?

In the distance, she heard the Neverbird's crow. She knew what that meant. It was time for her to wake up...

"Don't go..." Peter whispered, hugging her tightly. Elizabeth hold onto him as tightly as she could, not wanting him to slip away for the final time...

"Goodbye, Peter." She whispered. He shook his head and squeezed her tighter.

"Don't say goodbye. Goodbye means forgetting." He said. His voice was calm, though inside, he felt the same pain that she did.

"Then don't forget. You won't forget me, will you?" She whispered. In the back of her mind, she could hear her mother's voice calling for her, trying to wake her for school. She knew she couldn't stay for very much longer. As as her eyes fluttered open and she found herself in her bed, she heard Peter's voice whisper to her one last time...

"Me? Forget? Never..."


Thank you guys. For everything.

I have been writing this book on wattpad for so many years. It really was my escape from my life. I started writing after being bullied and assaulted. I was a truly depressed person. I felt I had no worth. I found this fandom and I instantly knew it was where i belonged. I met my best friend through this fandom. I learned how to write and how to edit, which are two of my biggest passions to this day.

I'm going to turn 18 in December. I'm going to start college soon. I'm literally living my worst childhood fear. I grew up. I'm not being over dramatic when I tell you that I was literally terrified to grow up. I quite literally used to sit at my window at night and hope that I could find a way to Neverland. Unfortunately, I didn't lol. I've grown up. I have changed. I have healed, maybe not completely, but I am getting better every single day. I am actually proud of the person I have become. That wouldn't have been possibly without you guys. Thank you so much for supporting me for like five years on wattpad now. I am so proud of this book, even though my early writing is soooo not it. Thank you for the platform to share my feelings and pour out my heart to you through my writing.

This is the final chapter of my imagines book. My name is Elizabeth. I felt it was only fitting to let something like this conclude my book. Peter Pan will always be a huge part of my life. I still love Robbie will all my heart. I will still be editing him as well as other things on my editing instagram. And I do promise to try to update My Allegiance. But this book is complete. Thank for you everything. I wouldn't still be alive and wouldn't feel as amazing as I do today without all of you. I'm growing up and I'm proud of who I have become.

All children must grow up except one...

I love you so much.


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