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Requested by PansLostGirl1996

A bloody demon...
I'm being chased through the woods by a bloody demon, none other than Peter Pan. He's not at all like he is in stories, he's evil and cruel and he does it proudly. He's arrogant, clever, and downright nasty. When I first came Peter played nice and then once he got information about Hook from me, he threw me in a cage and let his lost boys treat me like dirt. He let me out and said if I promised not to run he wouldn't hurt me, but I know better than to trust him. Now he's chasing me through the woods. I hear his footsteps behind me, so I quickly duck behind a bush.

"Come on out, princess. I'll be kind, I promise."
Yeah right.
"If you come out now I won't hurt you." He's lying, but maybe he won't hurt me as bad. Slowly, I step out from behind the bush to find one ticked off looking Pan. He suddenly appears directly in front of me and grabs my arm, dragging me back to his camp.
"Pan, stop!" He only tightens his grip, most likely leaving bruises.
"Don't you tell me what to do. You've been  rather naughty, my little lost girl."
"I. Am. Not. Your lost girl!!!" He snatches me in front of him, starring at me with dark, lustful eyes. He loosens his grip on my arm and moves his body closer to mine in arrogant strides.
"You are my lost girl. Everyone and everything on this island belongs to me, meaning," He fills the little space between us and whispers,
"You are mine."
"Please, come nicely, princess." I know I shouldn't, I shouldn't even trust him, but I take his hand and walk back to camp.

He's silent the whole way back, but as soon as we get back to camp he's back to his normal, bad to the bone leader mode. He gives out orders to the lost boys and nearly forgets I'm even standing there.
"Woah, Pan, what about me?" I stop him right before he walks away. He turns back to me with a serious look on his face.
"I'm gonna trust you not to run away again. Be carful, princess, my trust isn't easily won." And with that, he disappeared into thin air.
Don't trust him.
He's telling the truth.
He just has to be lying.
Why would he lie to me?
But if I run, he'll punish and hurt me.
After a mental battle with myself, I think it's best just to stay out for now. So, I sit by the fire for a long time, just thinking about Pan and the kiss. Why would he do that? I've never liked him like this before, so why now? It could be that the kiss uncovered some hidden emotion for him, but I quickly brush that thought aside.
"Hey y/n." Slightly, the only lost boys who's been decent to me, sits next to me.
"Hey Slightly."
"Wanna come train with us?" I furrow my brows, unsure of what to say.
"I don't know if Pan would like that."
"Why not? If he wanted you to feel like a prisoner, we would be treating you like one. I don't think he'll mind."
"Oh, oh alright, but I don't know how to shoot or anything."
"It's okay. I'll help you." Slightly leads me to a clearing in the woods wear they have targets set up. He hands me a bow and a sheath of arrows to practice with. After properly putting the quiver over my shoulder, I pull out an arrow and attempt to shoot. And it just barley, barley being the key word, went into the target.
"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you couldn't shoot." Slightly said laughing.
"Yeah hahaha very funny."

Hours pass, Slightly has been trying to give me instructions on how to shoot, but I'm not the best listener and he's not the best teacher. He eventually gets other orders and had to leave, but I decide to keep practicing. It's nearly sunset and I haven't gotten the bullseye once. I pull back the string and fire at the target, yet again another miss. I huff and literally growl. As I load and aim my next arrow, I suddenly feel hot breath fanning across my neck.
"Don't mind me, love." Pan. He looks at my potion and slowly moves my hips with his hands. He then tilts my chin slightly to the left.
"So tense. Just relax." I take a deep breath as he places his hands over mine, his slow breath slapping my cheek.
"And release." We both let go of the arrow and it flies directly into the bullseye. I lower to bow in my hand with my mouth gaped open.
"See. I knew you could do-" I cut him off by pressing my lips over his, but almost instantly pulling away after realizing what I've done.
"I knew you'd come around." He said with a smirk. He slowly leans down for another kiss.
"What took you so long?" His smirk turns into a smile

Maybe he's not such a demon after all.

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