Stay with me

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Requested by AllytheTiger

I ran through the woods as fast as possible, trying to out run the lost boys following me, but their shouts and howls kept getting closer and closer. My legs were aching, what else could you expect from a ten year old girl? I pushed as hard as I could, but it wasn't good enough. My foot got hooked under a root sticking out of the ground, sending me flying onto the forest floor. I scrambled to my feet, only to be pushed back down by a lost boy. They all had their weapons aimed at me, but suddenly, a whistle came through the air and they all backed up.

"You almost made it." Felix came out from behind the crowd of lost boys and pulled me to my feet.

"That's it for training today." This kind of training was always the hardest. Pan put me up against half the best lost boys and told me to try to make it back to camp without being caught. It was hard, but I almost did it this time.

"Get something to eat before you do your chores, kiddo. You'll need your energy." I nodded my head at Felix's words. He's been like my big brother since I got here. All of the boys treated me like their sister, but I may or may not have a tiny crush on Pan... Yeah, yeah, laugh at me all you want. It's stupid, I know. I'm just a lost ten year old girl that Pan rescued, like all the lost boys.

"Ally!" That was Pans voice, I'd know it anywhere.

"Pan." I ran and jumped on him. He and I play around like this all the time. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me and spinning me in the air.

"I have someone special for you to meet." He said as he set me down. I looked up at him with my childish smile, but then I saw her.

My brows furrowed, smiled fading as she stepped into the camp and wrapped her arms around Pans torso.

"Ally, this is Wendy." She smiled, waving at me slightly. She was beautiful. Curly blonde hair, perfect face. In the pit of my stomach, I felt something new. Something I've never felt or ever wanted to feel. Jealousy...

"H-hey." Really Ally? All I could say was HEY?! Pan stepped out of Wendy's grasp and squatted down in front of me. He knew I only stuttered when I was upset or nervous. He slowly pet the back of my head, then using his hand to raise my head so he could look me in the eyes.

"Would you mind letting Wendy stay with you until we can make other arrangements? For me?" He smiled at me, he knew I couldn't say no to the smile. I've seen most sides of Pan. Caring, angry, scary, scared, concerned... But he always got me with his smile.

I nodded my head as Pan smile grew wider.

"Thank you, princess." He stood up, walking back over to Wendy who jumped up on her toes and landed a kiss on his cheek. Pan turned back to me, winking before walking away.

"This way." I mumbled. Wendy followed me through the camp until we reached my tent. She looked around with a different face then she had on when Pan was around. She looked snobby.

"You can have the bed." I said, taking a blanket and pillow for myself. I spread it out of the ground, watching as Wendy scanned her eyes over my tent.

"This is where you sleep?" She spat out the word 'you' like it was a disease.

"Y-yes." She gave me a 'that's pathetic' look, then walked out of the tent. I ran after her, but she was talking with Pan, so I left them alone.

Boy, this wasn't gonna being fun...


All the chores were finished, we had all eaten, and the boys were currently dancing around the fire. But I didn't feel like celebrating. I was to upset. At the moment, I was sitting with my back against a tree and my knees against my chest, watching the flames dance together to the sound of the drums.

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