Angel In Disguise

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Wow, Guys. It's been a hot minute since I've updated my watt pad. I want to get back into the flow of things so badly, but I lost muse for writing. I turned more towards editing recently. (Shameless plug. Follow me on Instagram. Link in my acc bio) but I've decided it's time I start writing again. I need encouragement to stay active though.
So to help me, PLEASE comment telling me if you like this imagine and if you want me to come back to watt pad!


Trigger warning! This is pretty sad and a little depressing. But it's still sweet. Just be prepared if you choose to read💗

Third Person POV

Things were never as they appeared to be... that was certainly the hard truth when it came to life and death. An innocent child born into a world of good and evil, living for a while, and eventually returning to the ash and dust it once was. But life wasn't always the same. Some people were blessed to live long, happy lives. On the other hand, there were many who's lives were short and filled with agony.

A gasp fell from a young girls lips, her eyes shooting open. After brushing a loose strand of hair away from her face and behind her ear, she sat up, looking at the pile of ruble around her.

"H-Hello?" Uttered the baffled young woman. Around her was nothing but smoke, fire, and scorched, deformed metal. She sat in the darkness for a moment with a dazed look on her face before a blindingly bright light appeared. She squinted, her hands covering her eyes to protect her sensitive pupils from the white light. A mere moment passed before she opened them again and the light was gone. But standing in its place was a boy, one who smiled at her kindly. Slowly, the boy with the sandy brown hair extended his hand to her.

"Hello, Y/N. I know you're confused, but it's time for you to come with me." He said. Y/N, confused as could be, slowly rose to her feet, scratching her head gently.

"I-I don't understand. Who are you? Why do I have to come with you?" Asked the girl, looking at the fire and ash around her.

"My name is Peter Pan. We're going off to NeverLand, where all the lost, believing children go." He said comfortingly, taking the girls hand, which was covered in dirt and burns.

"You belong there with us. You see, you're life has changed drastically, but change isn't always bad. NeverLand with be perfect for you. There you will be with other children and teenagers just like you. Come along." Peter said. He held onto her hand as he turned around, the light appearing again. But this time, it didn't hurt Y/N's eyes. She simply stared into the light with watery eyes, as if she understood what happened without even being told.

When the light faded, the young lady found that the dirt on her skin had been cleaned, the burns on her hands had disappeared. She looked unharmed, good as new. Her eyes examined her surroundings. The outline of a smile found its way to her lips as she looked at the beauty of the island before her.

"NeverLand..." she whispered...

Peter sent her along to meet the others he had brought to NeverLand with him. The idea of Peter Pan and NeverLand was presented to practically every child at a young age. An adventurous boy who fought pirates and saved children from their parents. But the real story was much different... many times before Peter has swooped in to take children quickly so no suffering would be inflicted upon them. The girl he had just taken had been on the verge of death due to a car accident. Children were told about Peter Pan so that if he ever came for them, they wouldn't be afraid.

There was a reason no one grew up in NeverLand. For the children were already gone... Peter's job was to bring them somewhere they could be happy and withhold the truth of what really happened to them. It was a lonely life for the boy to live, but to give other children joy when he suffered so much in his own life was worth it. To save them from suffering between life and death was his job.

So yes, NeverLand was certainly not like it was in the story books, but buried deep down inside, Peter Pan still had a heart of gold...

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