His Little Sister

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Requested by SageWagner6

Sorry if it's kinda short. I tried to make it cute and fluffy though. 😊


"Y/N!" James, one of the lost boys yelled. He came over to me with an angry look on his face. This happens sometimes. Whenever my brother leaves the camp, even for a short amount of time, the older boys turn on me. Peter caught onto this though, causing him to never leave my side. Whenever he goes somewhere, he normally takes me with him. Today was one of the exceptions to that rule. He was going to skull rock. Peter told me he doesn't want me to worry about the shadow and his riddles, though I know the truth. My big brother is more than just my brother. He's my leader, my provider, and protector. He just doesn't want me to worry about him.

"Y-Yes?" I asked, fumbling over my words. James and the other boy next to him laughed, giving each an over exaggerated high five.

"What? Can't speak for yourself now that your big bwrother isn't here to pwrotect you?" He fake pouted. It was the truth though. Peter is strong, bold, and short tempered, however I am the opposite.

I'm weak, shy, and naive.

"D-Do you have a reason to be picking on me? Or do you just need to boost your egos?" I fired back, taking the risk of getting pummeled. James's eyebrows shot up, surprised by my outburst of confidence.

Even though I was screaming in the inside...

"Listen, prissy, just because Pan is your brother doesn't mean you can order us around. And you certainly can't talk to me like that." James shoved me backwards, causing my back to hit a tree. A whimper left my mouth as I landed on the ground, staring up at the boys with tear filled eyes.

Why can't I be strong?

Why can't I be like my brother?

"Come on, Y/N. Get up. Show us you're strong." They jeered. "You're to much of a coward. Come now, prissy. Tell us what you really think!"

"P-Please stop."

My mumbles only made them laugh. "Pathetic. Where's your brother now?"

"Right. Bloody. Here." The two boys jeers and insults stopped instantly as Peters voice boomed through the air.

He was livid...

"Say what you just said to my sister. Show me what you did. I dare you." James lowered his head slightly, cowering back in hopes to avoid Peters wrath. Peter shoved them aside, kneeling down to help me up. I could see the furry in his eyes multiple when he saw my own orbs glimmering with tears. He saw the cut on my shoulder where they had shoved me into the tree, he noticed the bruises on my arms from their aggression.

"I'm giving you 1 minute to run for your lives. If I find you, well, just pray I don't." My brother seethed through his teeth, watching as the boys darted into the jungle. I watched as his anger slowly softened as he pulled me into a hug. He was still completely furious, but he didn't say a word, in fear that he would scare me.

"Are you okay?" He mumbled into my shoulder, careful not to put pressure on the bruises.

"Yeah. T-Thanks." He pulled me back, staring into my eyes.

"I know what you're thinking. You think you should be able to take care of yourself. Now, listen to me. You aren't weak or incapable, but it's my job to protect you. I love you and I never want to see you in pain. You're my baby sister." He nudged my shoulder, making me laugh.

He always did...

"Maybe you mean little sister." I smirked. "And...I love you too."


So I don't know how to feel about this one. I hope you liked it though! This was the shortest imagine I've ever written before. Please let me know if you like it. 😂💚💖😊😍😘😃😆😅

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