His Queen

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Leave request in the comments or messages me! This is dedicated to Macrina.

                        Peters point of view
New recruits. I was in need of some lost boys to come with me to NeverLand. I had played my pipe several times on my trip and then sent the boys back to begin training. Tonight was my last night in this world, I planned on gathering a few more boys, but something caught my ear. The voice of a girl. I followed the voice as if her voice was like my pipe, addicting and beautifully dangerous. I hear her laugh and I swear my heart skips a beat.
"Yeah. Okay Hannah, I'll see you there. Yes. I need to call Emily and let her know. Okay bye."
She must be talking on one of those 'phone' things.
"Hey Em."
Oh. My. Word. I conceal my self in the top of a tall tree as I see her face. Her eyes shinning like the brightest star in NeverLand, her smile is mesmerizing. She was beautiful, perfect, absolutely breathtaking. I drown out her words as I study her gorgeous face, and her happy, playful spirit. Ok instinct, I pull out my pipe and begin to play. It doesn't affect her. She doesn't hear it. She's not lost.
'Oh but honey you will be.' I think to myself. I do love a good challenge.
"Okay. I'll be there after dark. Yeah I'm coming tonight. K girl bye."
Oh your coming.
With me.

                       Macrina's point of view
"Mom. I'm going to a party with Hannah and Emily! I'll be back late tonight!" I called, trying to get out the door before she can say no.
"Uh uh uh!!! You have to babysit your cousins."
"But mom! They are both 13!"
"Don't care."
"But mom-"
The doorbell rings. Great. My two twirpy cousins are murdering my social life!
"Hey guys! Come on in. Alright Mac. We're off. Have fun, but not to much fun."
"Don't worry, we won't." I reply sarcastically.
                              30 min later
"It's mine! Give it!"
"Shut it!"
"Girls!" I hush my arguing siblings fighting over a stupid pair of headphones.
"Your going to sleep. You don't need headphones!"
"We know your gonna sneak out and go to that party! How about we call our mom!"
"No. You wouldn't."
"Try me!"
"Fine!" I reach in my pocket and hand my cousin my apple headphones.
"Not a word."
"Thank you." She relies in a sweet sarcastic voice. Snot. Finally, I'm on my way to the party. I unlock my window, but lock my bedroom door so when my parents get home they'll think I've fallen asleep. I'm also walking or they'll notice my car is gone. Just perfect. It's a little past 10:00 now, so the party has already started.
An extremely loud crash comes from behind me. I quickly turn to see who or what it was.
"Hi there sweetheart." Two teenage guys, not much older than me, step out of an alley with nothing but lust in their eyes.
"What's a pretty little girl like you out here late at night? Alone."
"Leave me alone." I turn around and begin to walk back to the party when I feel a cold hand fall over my mouth.
"No!!! Le meh go!!!!" The hand muffles my screams as the boys drag me into the alley they came from.
"Stop screaming." He says coldly. Heck to the no! I quickly elbow him in the stomach, giving me time to run.
"Not so fast." He grabs me again, but suddenly, the other boy is punched and kicked to the ground. The boy holding me throws me against the wall, causing me to hit my head. All I can hear is grunts and physical contact. It sounds like people punching and hitting each other until, suddenly, it stops. I sink to the ground and hide behind a dumpster for a few seconds before I hear a voice behind me.
"Their gone."
"What?!" I quickly turn my head, trying not to pass out.
"Who are you?"
"Well you could thank me. I just saved you."
"Uh. Thanks."
"What's your name love." He steps closer, exposing his face and clothes. He has shaggy brown hair that lightly falls in his face, he's very slim and talk, and has the most amazing emerald eyes I've ever seen. He wears strange clothes like a green and brown patched up shirt, long green pants, knees high boots, leather wrist cuffs, and a dagger at his hips.
"Jessie." You lie.
"Now now Macrina, didn't your mother ever tell you it's impolite to lie?" How did he know who I was? He reaches out for my hand and pulls my to my feet, with a strange smirk spread across his face. My legs are wobbly and being lightheaded, I couldn't stand on my own. I fall forward onto the boy, who catches me and then picks me up bridal style.
"Put-put me down." I'm barley conscious now, but I try my hardest to push against his chest.
"No can do darling. Just rest now Macrina, you'll be home soon." He waves his hand over my face and sleepiness overpowers me. The last thing I see is the boy starring down at me, with adventure in his eyes and his victory smirk still lingering on his lips.

My eyes flutter open only to find myself laying in a bed, a bed that's not mine. That's not comforting.
"Morning sunshine." I quickly turn my head to see the boy who was in the alley.
"W-who are you and where am I?" I ask, trying to sound as confident and as 'not completely petrified' as possible.
"I'm Peter Pan, I live here Macrina."
A loud laugh escapes my mouth. Does he really think he's Peter Pan?
"Yeah sure you are. And this is NeverLand! Classic! Now tell me who you really are."
"Why do people from your realm have so much trouble believing?"
"My realm? Your crazy."
"Well considering your telling me that I'm not me, your the crazy one." He says with a arrogant smirk spread across his face.
"Are you actually P-Peter Pan?" I ask, slowly rolling out of bed. He bows slightly.
"The one and only." I run my hands through my long messy hair and sigh.
"Wow. How do I know your telling the truth?"
He walks over to me and extends one of his hands, expecting me to take it. I look at him with a 'are you kidding me? I'm judging you so much right now' look in my eyes.
"Do you trust me?"
"Not in the slightest."
He softens his eyes and stares seductively at me. After taking several steps closer to me, making our faces merely inches apart, he repeats himself.
"Do you trust me?" He seems so genuine, so slowly, I reach out and take his hand. His smirk returns to his face as he scoops me up in his arms. A small gasp leaves my lips as he flies out the window of the hut. I cling desperately to Peter as he flies us over the forest.
"Calm down love, I've got you."
"Ok-okay you proved your Peter Pan. Put me down."
"What's the magic word?"
"NOW!" I scream over the wind.
"Fine." He slowly loosens his grip around my body. On instinct I wrap my arms around his neck and move in closer to him. A chuckle leaves his mouth as his re-tightens his grip on me. I can't help but laugh at myself.
"Put me down please." I say in the middle of a giggle.
"Good girl." He begins to fly lower until we reach a beautiful cliff that overlooks a waterfall.
"Woah." I'm completely amazed by the view.
"It's gorgeous out here." I mumble excitedly.
"Not just the view." Peter says, look directly at me. I turn around completely, trying to cover the blush in my cheeks, but he spins me back around to face him.
"Stay." He said shortly.
"Stay with me. You can have a happy life here. All this belongs to me! Every pice of land, every tree, rock, and every drop of water in the oceans and streams. I'm the king of NeverLand! So just... Stay." He seemed so longing, like without me he would merely cease to exist.
"Well what would that make me? One of your lost boys? A lost girl maybe?" He takes several paces closer to me and flicks some stray hair out of my face.
"My queen." He whispers as he leans in closer, letting his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips. Oh how those words felt so good. 'The queen of NeverLand' So addicting and mesmerizing, like Peter. I smirked, his face lighting up as I nodded.
"Welcome home, my queen."

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