The cat and the mouse

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Imagine: running through the forest of NeverLand. You just woke up here and you have absolutely no clue how you got here, but no there is a group of insane boys chasing you and you don't plan on getting caught today.

Further, further, further!!!! You sprint through the forest, trying to get away from the creepy, crazy boys chasing you. Your feet are beginning to hurt and you feel like you've been running for hours. You can hear the boys shouting and howling like wolves behind you, so you know you have to go further. You run into a small clearing and see a giant tree. If you tried to run any more you'd probably pass out, so you start to climb the tree. Once your up about 60 or 70 ft up, you hear the boys beneath you. Quickly, you freeze.

"Where did she go?"

"Come out come out wherever you are! We won't hurt you sweetheart."

'Then why are you chasing me with weapons!' You think to yourself.

"Come on princess. Come on out." A boy with long blonde hair and a club calls for me, but there isn't no way on earth am you coming out.

"Let's keep moving." He and the boys howl and dart off into the woods. After about five minutes, you decide it's safe to go down. On the way down the tree, your foot slips, and you fall 10ft and land right where the sun don't shine. You quickly jump up and brush off your pants.

"You really should be more careful." You snap your head around and see a boy. Crud. He was tall, he had shaggy brown hair, emerald green eyes, plump red lips, all dark green clothes, and a dagger attached to a belt on his hips.

"Who are you?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I ask first." He took a few steps closer to you, but you refused to hurt your pride. You stood still.
"I'm Peter, Peter Pan. And you are?"

"Y/n. Where am I?"

"Well aren't we full of questions!"

"Well I did wake up in a strange place and have had crazy boys chasing me for an hour!"

"Ah you have met my lost boys then."

"You're the one in charge?" He bows slightly and sarcastically.

"Indeed." He takes a few more steps closer until your faces are a few inches apart. This time you step back. You hear the boys howl again. Pan sees the worried expression on your face and smirks at your fear.

"You better get going before they find you."

"Why don't you just capture me right now?"

"Because! It's the game! I intend on capturing you, but why not give the boys some fun? Now run before I change my mind." You dart off as far away for the boys howling as possible.

Sunset. It's sunset. You've been running for what? Three hours?! You can still hear those dang boys behind you! How are they not tired?! You dash straight into the woods after  stopping for a brief second by a cliff. Suddenly, a net sweeps you off your feet a closed you in. No no no no no!!! This can't be happening! So this is how it all ends?!

"Well done!" Pan.

"Let me down Pan!" He chuckles at your request.

"Oh no! I quite like you up there. Your like a trophy." You huff loudly.

"You said you were letting the boys catch me! Not this stupid net!"

"Well it's hardly my fault you ran into the trap like a deer!" You can hear the boys getting closer and closer.

"Pan let me out now!"

"What's the magic word?"

"I'm gonna kill you!"

"That's definitely not it." He says with a chuckle and a smirk.

"Peter please." You whimper. You really are scared, petrified even.

"Ah fine fine." He takes the dagger from his belt and cuts the ropes the support the net. You tumble to the ground and land on your bum with an "oof" You turn and run into the woods, but suddenly Pan appears in front of you. You gasp and fall back. Why do you always fall in front of him? He kneels down and holds out his hand to help you up. You slowly and reluctantly take it. His grip around your hand is so strong and you notice the muscles contracting in his arm as he pulls you to your feet.

"Sorry about that love."
Aww. You kind of like it when he called you love- wait what? No! He's awful! In the cute way- no shut up!

"Still want to run away from me?" For some reason, you shake your head no.

"Good. Come on out boys!" The boys that were chasing you slowly emerge from the woods wth smirks on their faces.

"Welcome our first lost girl!" The boys cheer and two of them pick you up and sit you on their shoulders. The boys were being nice to you, especially Pan.

~Years later~
You run through the woods, as usual, playing cat and mouse with the lost boys. You run into a clearing only to get caught by one of the nets used for hunting. This seems vividly familiar.

"Well look at the catch of the day. Like the day we met remember." A smile appears on your face as Peter emerges from the woods.

"Let me down Pan!"

"What's the magic word?"

"You'll pay for this." You say, trying to hold in a giggle.

"You really can never get it right can you?"

"Peter please." This brings a genuine smile to his face and fun memories to his mind.

"Ah fine fine." He cuts the ropes, but catches you before you hit the ground.

"I love you my lost girl."

"I love you too Pan."

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