A Mother part 2

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Im so happy you guys liked the first part! Ya really wanted a part two and I live to serve you lovely beans.

Also, Im sorry my updates haven't been as frequent or if your request is taking a long time. My grandfather has cancer and I have been driving like two hours every single weekend to go see them and help take care of him. On top of that, I have school and homework and I have to study lines because I'm a lead in a play. Side note, when we got the scripts, they told us, "By the way, you only have 8 weeks until the show." If you do theater, you know that isn't much time :( But I do love the show. Im just very stressed out rn. So sorry for not updating. Im trying my best.

Third Person POV:

Y/N and Peter walked through the forest, approaching Peter's camp. Judging by Peter's face, he looked completely confident in having Y/N meet the lost boys, but on the inside, he was silently panicking. He loved the lost boys. Truly, they were the only things that kept him sane. He had grown accustom to their terrible manners and dirty appearances, however he presumed Y/N wasn't used to that. Besides, Peter wanted to make it his personal mission to make her feel loved. He wanted her to feel welcomed and at home so maybe, just maybe, she would stay.

As the two of them neared the camp, shouts and laughter could easily be heard. Y/N was puzzled with herself. She didn't know why she accepted his offer so quickly or why she decided to stay, but she felt as if saying no would permanently alter their path. Therefore she accepted to see what fate had in store for her.

"I can never fully express my gratitude to you. We need a mother on this island, but you must know." Peter said, pulling back the tree branches that exposed his camp.

"The lost boys aren't very experienced with... etiquette." He finished, a small sigh leaving the green eyed boys lips. Y/N's shimmering eyes ran over the camp, examining the boys. As they played and joked around with each other, Y/N watched them in silence. One thing she had learn over her years of living was that looking through the eyes was the best way to read someones thoughts. This ability Y/N had to read people revealed something to her that made her want to stay even more. In every single lost boy's eyes, she saw hopelessness. The feeling of loneliness and hardly any self worth was so apparent in their eyes. She even noticed it in Peters.

"They seem wonderful." She said encouragingly. Peter stared at her in complete awe. In his eyes, she was perfect. She was the kind, forgiving soul they needed on NeverLand to be their mother.

Peter whistled, getting all of the boys attention. Normally, they would have fallen into a straight line and readied themselves for training or dinner, but at the sight of Y/N, their mouths fell agape. They all froze, the once noisy camp coming to an eerie silence. Peter cleared his throat.

"Boys! I have an announcement!" He said professionally, making Y/N smile. She noticed the way he straightened up and carried himself with more confidence while addressing the boys.

"This is Y/N. She has agreed to be our mother!" Peter announced, the cheers of the lost boys following his words. Y/N smiled at their welcome to her, waving at the group of dirty boys. She could tell by their excitement that no one had ever taken the time to care for them. They were most likely never even given chances.

"Is it true, Peter? Do we finally have a mother?" The littlest lost boy asked Peter, slowly emerging from the back of the crowd. In his hand, he held onto a small straw doll that Peter had made him to keep him company. Whenever he was afraid, he told the little lost boy that it would protect him as long as he had faith. 

"Yes. Its true." Peter said, slowly taking Y/N's hand. He looked into her beautiful vibrate eyes for permission, getting a nod of approval from her in return. He lead her over to a log by the fire, the lost boys following them peacefully. They all had smiles on their dirt covered faces as they looked at Y/N. It was very clear that they were all trying to be on their best behavior in hopes to get her to stay. 

"What do mothers do?" A lost boy asked as Peter sat down on the log next to Y/N. She smiled, putting her hands in her lap. 

"Mothers do all sorts of things." Y/N replied, nodding her head as Benn, the same little lost boy crawled into her lap. He smiled at her, playing with the straw figure his teenage leader had given him. 

"Like take care of us?" A lost boy asked. 

"Tell us stories?" Another one spoke out before Y/N could answer the first. 

"Sing to us!" Benn begged excitedly, his eyes almost pleading with Y/N. The girl sighed, her eyes traveling over to Peters. Peter, who had been silent up until this point was now even more excited. He couldn't fight the smile that crept onto his pink lips. He nodded firmly, but truly, he nearly jumped with happiness. Peter already thought Y/N was perfect. The fact that she was willing to stay and take care of the boys proved it to him that she was. All he wanted now was to hear her light angelic voice calling both he the lost boys into a state of calmness. 

"Alright. I suppose." Y/N said, with a little smile before she began her song. 

"There was a time when I was alone. Nowhere to go and no place to call home. My only friend was the man in the moon and even sometimes he would go away too...\

Then one night as I closed my eyes, I saw a shadow flying high. He came to me with the sweetest smile. Told me he wanted to talk for a while. He said, 

Peter Pan, thats what they call me. I promise that you'll never be lonely. And ever since that day...

I am a lost boy from NeverLand. Usually hanging out with Peter Pan. And when we're bored, we play in the woods. Always on the run from Captain Hook. 

"Run, run lost boy," they say to me. Away from all of reality. NeverLand is home to lost boys like me. 

And lost boys like me are free..."

As Y/N sang, Peter felt his heart palpitating. His deep green eyes scanned over the lost boys as they fell into the state of calmness and peace he had always wanted on his island. Once more, he glanced over to the girl of his dreams, smiling at her as she continued to sing to the boys. 

NeverLand is home to lost boys like me...

And lost boys like me are free...

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