You are perfect to me

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Requested by NeverlandBeliever

Third Person POV

Allie studied the look of disgust on the lost boys faces as she made her way through the clearing. None of them liked her. They felt as if having a girl around somehow weakened them. Unfortunately one of the boys who believed this was Felix. She could always hear him snickering about her, making crude jokes, or trying to persuade Peters way of thinking. Peter had been kind to her since the moment she arrived. He looked after her, fed her, and gave her a home, though she could hardly call it a family. But there were something that went on right from underneath Peters nose.

Felix didn't just dislike Allie, he hated her for a reason she didn't understand. Whenever he felt like she had done anything wrong, he would wait until Peter was gone and then he would make her pay for it. The scarred lost boy would yell, push, and hit her. The poor girl didn't understand what she had done wrong, because she hadn't done a thing.

Felix got more brutal with his attacks, constantly leaving bruises or cuts all over Allies body. She didn't know what to do. She felt alone with no one to run to.

So she would take the beating...

Time after time Felix would leave her laying on the dirt, crying and cuddling into a ball, afraid she may just fall apart. Somehow, Peter never noticed, because Felix nor Allie wanted him to. Until one day it all changed.

Allie walked aimlessly through the jungle, on her way to the training site as she did every morning. Something was off, but she just didn't know what it was. The birds didn't chirp as they normally did, the trees didn't wave, and the sun was almost completely hidden by darkness.

A crunch echoed through the silent forest, a twig snapping to Allies right. Before she could turn and book it into the forest, she was roughly grabbed from behind, a hand placed over her mouth. She struggled to see her attackers face, causing her heart to race even more.

An eerie chuckle came from the forest, 7 cloaked figures stepping into her view. They all stepped forward, their faces coming into the light. Allie stood shocked, not bothering to fight the boys holding her.

It was the lost boys...

Felix stepped towards her, laughing at the fear in her eyes. The lost boy holding her removed his hand from her mouth, holding both her arms behind her back. She was terrified, to terrified to move.

"Felix, why are you doing this to me?" Allie whimpered, tears lining her eyes.

"I've had enough of you causing problems. If Pan won't get rid of you, I'm more then happy to." Felix snarled at her, crossing his arms over his chest. Allie shook her head, a trail of tears running down her reddened cheeks. All she wanted was a home, a place where she could be free. NeverLand was supposed to be that for her, but it wasn't.

"Felix please..." She cried, fighting against the lost boy holding her when Felix was handed a dagger from one of the boys. He approached her slowly, aiming the dagger right at her gut. She struggled in the boy's arms, anticipating the deadly blow that she knew she couldn't escape.

Felix raised the dagger over his head as Allie slammed her eyes shut, turning her face away. The blow never came as the terrified girl thought it would. Instead she opened her eyes seeing Felix lying in the dirt. The lost boy's tight hold on her was replaced with a soft one, a protective one.

It was Peter.

Instead of yelling and screaming as everyone expected Peter to do, he calmly waved his hand, returning the boys back to the camp so he could deal with them later. Allies arms were tightly wrapped around him. She felt as if her legs would give out from underneath her if she let go.

"I don't know what got into them, Allie. I swear if..." His voice trailed off. Allies arm was suddenly grabbed and yanked upwards. Her eyes trailed up to Peter's face as she watched him scan over her arm. His eyes darkened, tears once again making their way down Allies face.

"Who did this?" Peter's voice was dangerously low, dripping with poison. He grabbed her other arm without meeting her gaze, looking at the newly found bruises on them.

"F-Felix." Her voice cracked, bringing Peter's attention back to her. His eyes immediately softened when he saw the tears making little rivers on her cheeks.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Peter asked almost in a whisper.

"I didn't know how." She sobbed. "Who would even care about me?! I'm worthless!" The poor girl squealed, falling onto her knees. With tears of his own, Peter kneeled on the forest floor next to her, taking her wrists in his hands.

"That's not true." He whispered, kissing the bruised skin on her wrist. "I love you." He kissed the other wrist. Peter slowly let go of her arms, tilting her tear stained face up to meet his water gaze.

"You are perfect to me."


Hello lovely people! I hope you liked this chapter!

So I have a thought. I got a great ideas for a new fan fiction. I was wandering if anyone was good at designing book covers. If you are and are interested please PM me.

Thank ya muchly (that's not a word😂)


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