Run this town

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Requested by HerNeverland
Based loosely on season 6 (very, extremely loosely, also the black fairy isn't a thing in this imagine... Sorry this took so long!)

"Come on out, dear! We're here to offer you a deal, Kara." The sound of the evil queens voice rings in my ears. She and Hyde have been trying to get me to help them with some diabolical plan, and being evil was always fun for me, but ever since I lost Peter, being bad has never been the same.

"Kara, I know what you desire most, and I can give it to you. I can give you your happiness." Slowly, I step out into the open clearing of the Storybrooke forest, my hood over my face and bow and arrow aimed at the Queen.

"What could you possible know about my happiness?"

"I can get you your husband." She sing songs his title like a silly game, Hyde smirking at me.

"N-no. He's in the river of souls. That's-it's not possible." My thoughts get the best of me, and I leave myself defenseless as I lower my bow.

"Oh, Kara. Poor, sweet, naive Kara. There's always another way." Hyde's comment makes my face grow red with embarrassment as the Queen start to pace around, looking for any sign of terror in my eyes. But she finds none. She knows she doesn't scare me. I was a lost girl, Peter Pans wife, I'm not scared of anything.

"Why would you help me? What do you want in return?" The queen tilts my chin up, forcing me to look at her, but her face looks so soft, sweet even.

"Kara, the three of us understand each other. We've all lost love at some point in our lives. Hyde can get Pan out of the river if you help us with our little... Hero problem."

"Why would I want to hurt them? They've-"

"Don't forget, they were the ones that killed your precious Peter." I clench my fists in anger, the though of those selfish heros killing Peter makes me sick.

"Well then, your majesty. How may I be of assistance?" A smirk grows on her face, bringing back her sinister look.

"All you have to do, is cause trouble in the town. Just make sure the savior and her little band of the good are preoccupied. So, lost girl, do we have a deal?" So holds out her hand, her stare burning a hole into my head. What else can I do? What other choose do I have? I need Peter back.

"Deal." She shakes my hand, Hyde chucking at the sight. They're plan is clearly falling into place.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some hero's to mess with." I give a flashy smirk before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. The hero's killed Peter, I hope they are prepared to pay the price.


"There has to be a way! There's always a third way, Emma!" I mentally rolled my eyes. Snow and Charming were honestly, air heads. If they think hope is the answer to everything, that's a problem. You also need skill, stealth, cleverness, the ability to manipulate and trick people. They really know nothing about the real world.

"Alright hero's, let's play." I mumbled to myself, before curling my hand into a ball, shooting magic their way. Snow squealed like a pig, jumping onto Charming, who jumped in front of Emma.

I ran out from behind the tree I was hiding behind, and started crying and mumbling for help.

"Help! It's the queen! She's trying to kill me!" Those suckers believed me.


Causing chaos wasn't bad. It gave me time to trick a bunch of gullible hero's and get back at the people who killed Peter. I've been at it for weeks now, and I'm tired of waiting for Hyde and the Queen to tell me when I can get Peter back.

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