I Am Home

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Requested by PrettyManKoury




Third person POV

Kennya showed up in NeverLand when she was twelve years old. She had no memory of her home, her family, nothing of her life before. She only remembered her name.

The minute her feet hit the NeverLand soil, Pan felt her presence. He found her in an instant, feeling sorry for the small child. The teenage ruler too her under his wing, providing for her, making her a part of his family. He became her everything, her go to. She had a happy, perfect life at last.

Or so she thought.

Kennya laid in her bed, listening to Pans lullaby her played her on his pipe every night. Her eyes slowly drooped, her warm smile fading a bit as she was taken into the land of sleep. Pan smiled at her, kissing her forehead. She made him feel like his family was complete. While Pan loved his boys, Kennya brought something special to their little group. Pan didn't know exactly what it was, but he knew life without her would certainly be darker.

Pan stroked her hair out of her eyes, detaching his hand from hers before walking out of her tent. The lost boys sat lazily around the glowing embers of the fire, whispering among themselves or dropping like flies, passing out from exhaustion.

But, Pan felt an odd feeling in the out of his stomach, one that he just couldn't shake. He tried to ignore it, busying himself with some other form of work. Yet the feeling wouldn't leave. For nearly an hour he sat, confused by the feeling. He was truly puzzled.

"Pan! You may want to come see this!" A lost boy yelled from outside his tent. Pan raised his head, standing up abruptly. The very second he hustled out of his tent, he was face to face with a girl. She was short in stature, hair as curly as could be with a silk white bow in the back.

Her smile caught Pan off guard. Normally people are petrified or confused, but this girl was quite ecstatic. Pan crossed his arms over his chest, lifting his head a bit higher.

"Your name?" He asked forwardly. The girl took a step forward, smoothing down the thin fabric of her baby blue nightgown.

"Wendy Moria Angela Darling." She smiled once more. "What's yours?"

"I'm Pan. Peter Pan." He replied, nodding his head as if to bow. He opened his mouth to speak once more, but another voice spoke instead.

"Pan?" The green eyed boy turned his head in the direction of the sound, his eyes landing upon Kennya. Her eyes were tired, her hair was a mess, but he held out his hand, waiting for her to take it.

Her bare feet padded across the forest floor until she reached him. She ran into his side, feeling his arm close around her, holding her tightly. Pan smiled at her before returning his gaze to Wendy.

"Well, Wendy. Welcome to NeverLand." Kennya stared up at Wendy, her eyebrows furrowing into a straight line across her forehead. Her arms tightened around Pans waist, his natural reaction being to hug her closer to him. Wendy glared down at the young girl, returning her warm smile the instant she felt Pans eyes on her.

Much to Kennya's dismay, things did not get any better.


"You're such a pain, Kennya. I don't know what Peter sees in you." Wendy stood over Kennya as she cried in the dirt. The small child stared up at Wendy, blinking the tears out of her eyes. She didn't understand why Wendy hated her. She hadn't done a thing to her, in fact, she was the one being wronged.

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