Love Comes Slow/RK

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This is actually a Robbie imagine( I know I have always done Pan, but I'm open to doing Robbie request too. But keep everything clean please! Thanks!💚)

(A/n at the end it's hilarious😂)

Requested by peterpancake71

Robbie's POV

As I walked into the town, made up to look like Storybrooke, so many good memories of when I first filmed here came running into my mind. The amazing time working with Robert Carlyle, joking around with Sean and Bex, it instantly brought a smile to my face.

I was asked to come back to Once Upon A Time for flashbacks and also to come back to Storybrooke. They've given Pan a backstory and that includes him having a love interest. I haven't met her yet, but I hear this is her first on screen roll and Eddie and Adam said she's 'crazy talented' as they put it. I've got to say, I'm extremely excited about being back on Ouat, not to mention the brilliant new plot for my character, catching up with Parker would be fun, but I'm most excited to meet my new costar.


It's been several hours, and I've shot some scenes with Genny, Jennifer, Lana, Josh, Bobby, and I finally got a scene with Sean.

We are currently in the 'NeverLand forest' preparing to shoot the scene were Pan first meets Ava. I don't actually know what her characters full name is.

"Hey, Robbie, come over here." I jogged over to where I heard Parkers voice, seeing him standing in full costume next to a girl. She was beautiful, her eyes were shinning, her lips falling into a smile as I approached her.

"This is Y/N L/N. She's playing ya girlfriend." Parker joked. Y/N laughed a bit, placing her hands on her hips, the cloak on her shoulders spreading out so I could see the rest of her costume. A long white shirt, a brown leather corset, black pants, and black knee high boots. She looked like a lost girl, she looked ready to fight.

"Nice to meet you, Robbie. Parkers said a lot about you, and a lot in general."

"Hey!" Parker yelled playfully.

"The pleasures all mine. Now unless during takes you want me to refer to your character as 'my girlfriend', mind telling me your characters name?" I asked, resting my hand on the dagger that was attached to my belt.

"Oh, her name is Avallon Prior."

"Right! How could I forget?" She laughed slightly. I opened my mouth to say something, but they called for places.

Then after everyone was situated...

"And... Action!"

My lost boys trudged into the camp with the girl I wanted, bound with ropes and a cloth over her mouth.

"Ah, boys, I see you come bearing gifts." Her face was terrified, tears brimming in her big doe eyes.

"Well, dear Avallon, not so strong after all." I watched as her face fell, it seemed as if fear had over taken her, all because I knew her name, well I know much more than that.

The boys shoved her onto her knees before me, allowing me to tower over her. With a smirked I squatted down next to her, the boys still hold her bound hands behind her back.

"There there, princess. If you can be a good girl, I can take this off." I said in a mocking tone, slipping my fingers under the gag over her mouth.

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