Is it working now?

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Requested by PansLostGirl1996
Sorry if it's kinda short. I'm having really bad writers block right now.😁

"Hey, Y/N." Peter came up from behind me, his signature smirk plastered on his face.

"What is it, Peter?" Don't get me wrong, I like Peter and I'm really grateful for him bringing me away from my terrible home, but his flirting is getting a little out a hand. I know he doesn't mean any harm and he probably doesn't know it's so annoying.

"Do you know what this shirt is made of?" Please not this pick up line again... I shrugged my shoulders, bracing myself for the awful response I knew was coming.

"Boyfriend material." I raised my eyebrows, sending him the memo I wasn't amused.

"That's not gonna work on me, Peter." He disappeared and reappeared right behind me, his lips grazing my ear.

"Come on, Y/N. Play with me." I spun around, my face red with furry. He seriously could not just expect me to mold into his every need and desire.

"I'm not a doll you can toy with, Pan. That's not the way you tell someone you care about them, which you don't, so stop pretending." After shoving him backwards, for dramatic effect of course, I stormed off into the forest.


It had been a few hours, and I was sitting on top of dead mans peek. The name doesn't sound very pleasant, but it's one of my favorite spots on the island. The view was incredible and it was slightly breezy, yet still comfortable. Normally, I would've gone back to camp by now, but I just wanted some time for myself. Away from Peter. Some days I wonder what is going on inside his mind. He flirts with me all the time, and I can't really tell what his intentions and ideas are. If any of the boys would say anything in a flirty way at all, he would snap at them.


I was sitting by the camp fire when two of the boys, Derek and Joshua, sat next to me. I immediately noticed how close they were to me, but I couldn't slide over because I would bump into the other one.

"W-what do you guys want?" My voice was quivering, and my legs started shaking when Derek rested his arm around my waist.

"We want you to-" Derek suddenly got ripped away from me and Joshua jumped up in fear. It was Peter. He had Derek by the collar of the shirt.

"Don't. You ever. Touch her. Like that. Again." He growled through gritted teeth. I'll admit, Peter even scared me.

"Do I make myself clear?" His voice was dangerously low, dripping with venom as his grip tightened around Derek's shirt. Both the boys nodded in fear, running away after Peter released them.

He turned back to me, his eyes softening. I watched as he slowly came closer to me, as if not to scare me. He pushed my hair out of my face, wiping away a tear I didn't realize I cried and smiled.

"Don't worry, love. If anyone wants to hurt you, they have to go through me first."

-end flashback-

That's the only time I can really think of him showing me real emotions, other than angry and spite, but then again, those were never directed at me. He's actually always calm and mostly gentle with me.

"Y/N?" I jumped slight, but then realized it was Peter. He sat down next to me, hanging his legs off the cliff as I did.

"I'm sorry for making you upset earlier. That was never my intention. I just-just- I never know what to say to you!" I slowly turned my head, showing him my confused face.

"Your just so beautiful, so perfect that I'm not me with you, but the weird thing is, I feel like I can be me with you, I'm just afraid. You heard me, I'm afraid. Y/N, you said today I didn't actually care about you, but my darling, you couldn't be more wrong about that one. I'm so madly in love with you it should scare you. It scares me to know that I can care for someone so much. That's the truth, Y/N. I love you. More than that, I'm in love with you. But what if I-"

I cut him short by pressing my lips against his. The kiss wasn't something I would expect from someone like him. It was soft, gentle, sweet, and meaningful. After a moment we both pulled away, looking like two love struck idiots. He smiled at me, chuckling at my red face. He pulled me under his arm, allowing me to rest my head and his chest. I stayed silent, just enjoying the constant sound of his breathing.

"That was beautiful you know, what you said." He placed his chin on top of my head, pulling me closer to him.

"You mean when I practically poured out my heart to you in such a cheesy love confession?" I laughed at him, then placing a short kiss on his jaw.

"Yeah, that." We sat like that for the rest of the night, snuggling together when the wind blew on us. When the sun started to rise, Peter picked me up bridal style, carrying me back to camp. He gently pecked my nose, then my cheeks, then my lips.

"Is it working now?" He smirked, earning him a small giggle from me.


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