Without Her

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Pans POV


Y/N deserved to be here. She deserved a family, love, a life...But now thanks to me, she will never have any of it. My failure was almost unbearable. Knowing I was the reason for her death infuriates me. I'm angry at himself. I could have done better, I could have protected her, but I was a coward. 


Y/N stood next to Pan, her confidence in his never wavering. She wished there was a better way to get the heart of the truest believer, but there wasn't. And Pan was running out of time. 

"Henry! Don't do it!"Henry's family cried as he held his heart against Pans chest. They all screamed, holding their hands out to try to stop him. 

"NO HENRY!" Y/N gasped, jolting back slightly. This was the only way...Pan needed the heart more than the boy...Or at least thats what she kept telling herself. She was to blinded by love to see the truth. 

"If you take my son, I take her!" Regina yelled, shooting a blast of magic at Y/N. She quickly looked up, taking her eyes off Henry,but it was to late. 

"Y/N! WATCH OUT!" Pan cried, trying to shove her out of the way, yet it was hopeless. Regina's magic hit her, knocking her over to the floor. She cried out in pain, holding her stomach as she laid there, life quickly running out. 

"Y/N! No no no..." Pan yelled, falling down to her side. He grabbed her lifeless body, trying to shake her awake, but it was no use. She was gone...Without a goodbye, just like that, she was gone.

"You have no idea what you've done..." Pan whispered dangerously, glaring up at them through his eyelashes. He held her body close to him, his salty tears rolling onto his face and dripping onto her shoulder. Henry ran away from Pan, rising into Emma's arms, but the others couldn't take their eyes off Y/N. 

She was innocent...And now, she was dead...

"Get out...GET OFF MY ISLAND!  DON'T EVER COME BACK!" He yelled, making both Y/N and himself disappear in a cloud of red smoke. He silently cried for her for hours, holding the innocent girl in his arms. The worst part of all of it was that he was never brave enough to tell her he loved her.

She died not knowing that he felt the same way she did.

But for Pan, being without her was the worst fate of all...


Hey guys! I'm back and alive. I have been so busy lately. I am super sorry about not posting. I forgot to tell you guys, but I went to a camp and I couldn't be on any media for a week. Tomorrow is my first day back at school, but I wanted to post a little something before then. So I hope you enjoyed it!


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