Lost Boy Casanova

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This imagine is based off Carrie Underwood's song "Cowboy Casanova" Which I changed to fit Pan a bit better, but every time I listen that so, I think of him. And yes, You may not know this, but a southern, country girl. XP 

Anyway. ENJOY!

Song Inspiration: Cowboy Casanova. (Disclaimer: As I said before, I changed the lyrics a bit to fit the imagine a bit better. I strongly recommend listening to the song to really get the feel of it.)

Third Person POV:

He's like a curse, he's like a drug...

Peter Pan baffled her... He was the most clever, cunning boy she had ever met, but unfortunately, she couldn't stop herself from falling for him. Thats what happens to every 'lost girl' that comes in contact with the leader of the lost boys. And now that he was living in StoryBrooke, he only had more lost girls to choose from, more victims. 

You get addicted to his love...

One of the biggest problems most young ladies faced was the same one. He was charming.        Far too charming. He could say the simplest of compliments or the nastiest of insults, but he would say it so smoothly as if he had a silver tongue. One word, a quick quirk of his eyebrows and that smirk that made every girl think she was the luckiest, most special girl on the planet and you would be addicted. 

You wanna get out but he's holding you down
'Cause you can't live without one more touch...

Y/N knew this...She knew of who he was and what he did, but as the others did, she fell for it. However, unlike the others, she managed to stop herself before she was in too deep. The girl caught onto his games, knowing it was best for her to get away from him, but all he had to do was soft grab her hand and tell her to stay.

'Y/N...love.' He had said. 'You've changed me. I'm not that man anymore.' His hand had softly reached up, caressing her blushing cheek as his forest viridescent orbs sparkling as they bore into her eyes. 

He's a good time lost boy casanova leaning up against the record machine...

Y/N and her friends sat in Granny's talking about their everyday lives as they normally did, joking and laughing with each other. It was then that Y/N looked up... Her eyes landed on the lost boy who was leaning against the jukebox, watching her with one eyebrow raised. When they made eye contact, a smirk covered his lips, causing a blush to warm Y/N's cheeks. He made a 'come here' motion with his finger, watching as the girl he had under his spell slowly stood, leaving her friends without a second thought. 

Looks like a cool drink of water
But he's candy-coated misery...

The nervous girl fidgeted with the end of her dress, chewing on her bottom lip. 'That smirk. Those eyes...' It felt as if her feet weighed tons as she walked, as if she was dragging them along. Time seemed to slow down for her, her heart pounding as Pan quickly licked -in order to wet- his dry lips, his smirk then fading slightly, but if one were to look, it was apparent in the right hand corner of his mouth. 

He's the devil in disguise...

"Y/N, darling. Give me a spin." He said while taking her hand. The, very smooth, very clever king of the lost boys spun her around, knowing exactly what he was doing. He made her -just like the other girls- feel like a princess. 

"Lovely as always." He added, pushing himself off the jukebox long enough to pull Y/N under his arm, holding her close enough that she could smell that certain cologne he wore and to feel the comfort of his leather jacket. 

A snake with green eyes and he only comes out at night...

His movements as he held Y/N were hard to recreate or match. He was soft and graceful, but also rather demanding. His movements were snake like, no doubt. One move and the victim would be trembling. Pan then grabbed her hand, planting a small kiss on her knuckles, letting his sharp green eyes bore into hers as he looked at her through his eyelashes. 

"I hope to see you soon, love." He said, gently letting go of her hand. He then took his leave, smirking at her as he backed away before turning on his heel and walking out the door.

Gives you feelings that you don't want to fight...

Y/N stood there blushing, never once being able to speak as he left. He gave her butterflies, but it was something more than that. He was bad for her, she knew that. So why did she let him in? 

You better run for your life...


M'kay. I kinda like this one. Who would have thought a country song would match Pan so perfectly. As I said, I did change the lyrics a bit, but I highly recommend you listen to the song! 


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