Unbelieving, Broken, and Lost (Part 2)

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Hey guys! I'm so excited that all of you guys loved the first chapter of this series. And you know me, I might want to make it a book. Or maybe just a mini series...? Idk, So let me know in the comments please, my loves! And Enjoy this imagine!

Third Person POV

Dove had one place that she went when she felt suffocatingly alone. A small pier that looked over the water. She watched as ships and barges delivering supplies stopped at different loading docks and then left again. She watched them everyday. Their lives were planned out, while she had no idea what she would become. 

Footsteps from behind her tore her out of her thoughts. Though she stayed sitting at the edge of the dock, she turned around to see who had come onto the pier. Her heart sunk when she saw it was the same boy from her high school, but he looked different. He wore a green shirt made of rough, odd looking fabric. His grey pants were tattered and dirty. A dagger was attached to a leather belt that resided around his thin waist...Who was this guy. 

He stared at Dove silently for a moment, but did bother to hide the smirk on his lips. The short brunette was growing uncomfortable, even more so because this smirking stranger was armed. 

"Um...Can I help you?" She asked, giving him a frown. The boy only let out a deep chuckle.

"I just find it so funny. You have absolutely no idea who you are." His words sent shivers running all the way down her spine. His glare was enough to make a child cry, and his smirk just made her even more afraid. 

"Excuse me? Last time I checked, I know exactly who I-" Dove tried to snapback, standing up from where she had been sitting. 

"No, no. You don't." The boy interrupted her. "Your name, from what you know is Dove Bennet, correct?" He asked, receiving a small nod. That was the name her parents gave her, so it was all she knew she had. 

"How wrong you are." He smirked widely. It made Dove want to punch that look right off his face.

"You know your great grandmother? Wendy Bennet? You're really named after her. Your name is Dove Moria Angela Darling." Dove furrowed her brows. Where had she heard that name before? Wendy Moria Angela Darling... It dawned on her then. She raised her eyebrows skeptically, shaking her head.

"Seriously? You think I'm Wendy Darling's great granddaughter? I suppose that means you're Peter Pan's great grandson." She chortled, scoffing at him. The boy only stepped closer, giving her a small chuckle. 

"Not exactly...I am Peter Pan." He whispered to her. It made her skin itch with goosebumps. He looked so serious, so sure of himself. Dove looked incredibly nervous, but just chuckled dryly. 

"What you are is insane. Peter Pan isn't real and people don't fly. There is no such thing as faith, trust, or pixie dust." Dove said harshly, narrowing her eyes on the boy who called himself 'Peter Pan.' It wasn't real...was it?

"Oh, love. You'll see I'm telling the truth soon enough." He said. 'Peter' reached into his shirt, pulling out a single, small object. It was just a clear, crystal bean. He held it up, letting it glistening in the sunlight. He looked back at Dove with a wild grin. 

"Am I supposed to be impressed by that?" She asked, a confused look spreading across her face. Pan chuckled, tossing the bean into the water behind her. She gasped upon hearing what sounded like a huge wave crashing down, but when she turned to look...It was a portal. 

"In you go, love." Pan said. Dove quickly turned back to him, preparing to run off, but before she could, he quicker her in the stomach, sending her flying off the pier. A scream bursted from her lips, but it was too late. Dove fell straight through the portal...

"Off to NeverLand." Pan said with a smirk. He then jumped into the portal after her, getting inside just before it closed...Leaving Dove trapped in NeverLand...


 The suspense...lol. What do you guys think? How am I doing so far? Let me know! 


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