Love the way you lie

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Requested by peterpancake71
Song inspiration 'love the way you lie' (Rihanna-Loud part II)
¡Warning! I know most of my imagines are happy endings, but this will not be a happy ending. Yes I know. Shun me. I'm sorry....💚

On the first page of our story, the future seemed so bright....

Peter was all I ever wanted... To be with him was an adventure of its own. We truly loved each other, love like we had was hard to come across and hard to achieve and maintain, but it come easily for Peter and I. He was caring, sweet, thoughtful, and romantic...

That is, until we went to NeverLand...

And then, this thing turned out so evil. I don't know why I'm still surprised.

The shadow brought boys to NeverLand to meet Peters requests. At first, everything was fun, to have more people to talk with, to be and play with, until Peter changed. He started to lure children to him using his flute and he was never the same. He always had to be on top, he was always in charge.

He use to love the boys, he would laugh with them and play with them, but something in him snapped and he became uncontrollable. He craved power, as if he needed it to live. He would yell at the boys when they made the smallest of mistakes. He would purposely put them in danger and claimed it was to 'toughen them up', yet I could see the truth behind that lie. He started to see me as a possession instead of someone he loved...

Even angles have their wicked schemes...

Peter started to yell at me, forcing me into doing things I didn't want and called it love just because he was holding my hand... The horrible part was, I excepted his lies. They became a normal part of my life.

And you take that to new extremes...

I loved him and I didn't want to give up on him, though I knew, deep down in his heart, there was still some love left for me... But it was buried by power, anger, hate, wickedness, and evil...

That was when I started calling him Pan...

But, you'll always be my hero, even though you've lost your mind...

As much as I tried to stay out of Pans way, something always went wrong... I wanted so badly for him to come back to me, so much that I put myself in danger so maybe, just maybe, if he thought he was going to loose me, he wouldn't take me for granted. But, he yelled at me, told me how clueless and stupid I was. When I would ask for his help or try to love on him, he would simply brush me off. I could never fight back... I tried once...

That was the first time he ever hit me...

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn...

I had fallen on the ground from the powerful impact. Pan stood over me, he looked shocked by his own actions, but soon, his leader-like snarl appeared back on his face as he scoffed and walked away.

But that's alright because I like the way it hurts...

I allowed several tears to roll down my cheeks before wobbling to stand up and dusting myself off.

"I'm leaving you, Pan." He came to an abrupt halt at my words, turning around to meet my gaze. He noticed the bruise already forming on my face and looked proud... And it disgusted me.

"You can't do that, Y/N. You know I won't allow it. You are my property." I gulped, praying that this was all a nightmare or some kind of sick joke.

"I'm not your property, Pan." He growled, but I cut him short. "You used to love me." I let out a choked sob.

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry.....

Pan was take aback by that, as if it was shocking. I knew it, he knew it, heck, even the boys knew it. 

"I-I do love you, Y/N." He walked back to me, softly brushing his fingers over the bruise he had made previously. I shook my head continually.

"You don't. You use to, but not anymore. You lie to me, Peter, and your pretty darn good at it. I won't listen any more. All you've done is feed me fables from your hand. I'm done with your violence and threats." I turned my back to him and began to walk away before I felt his hand softly wrap around my forearm.

"Please don't leave me." His voice cracked... I looked back at him, his eyes were tear filled. He knew he had lost me...

But that's alright...

"You can't change my mind, Peter. I'm sorry." He broke down in tears before me, pulling me into the most passionate, meaningful kiss we've ever shared. It was wet with our tears, breathless because of the crying, but it was everything to me...

"I'm sorry, Y/N. For everything I've done. I know you won't believe me, but I-I love you, more than anything." He pressed his lips to my forehead one last time, before the shadow took my hand and flew me away.

Once we were off the ground and soaring over the island, I sobbed to myself.

"I love you too, Peter."

Because, I love the way you lie.....

I know it was sad......... I'm so so so sorry😭😭😭😭

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