Unbelieving, Broken, and Lost (Part 1)

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Requested by a friend of mine on Instagram! Btw, may as well do this... Follow me on Instagram! I am Pansneverlxnd. So hmu

This imagine is different from anything else I've ever done, but I do hope you enjoy it!

Third Person POV:

She was only five years old when they died... And she hardly remembered them at all. She was just a little girl who lost her parents to a very dangerous, fatal car accident. But they were never found in the burned car... The world was cruel to her after that. She found herself being moved from foster family to foster family, never truly fitting in with the rest of them. She wasn't like the regular kids. She didn't have parents. She wasn't even like the other orphans...Her parents were dead. 

Her name was Dove, named after the most pure, hopeful kind of creature her parents could think of. They wanted a normal life for her...They tried to keep her real identity hidden for the longest time, but just couldn't. They would have had a perfect life together...if it weren't for him... He was cruel, dark, and deceitful. But because of the past they knew their family had with him... There was no escaping him...

Dove walked through the hospitals halls, visiting her great-grandmother, the only living family she had now. She was very old and very, very sick, but she was all that Dove had. She could always count of her to remind her that her parents loved her...at least they did before they died. 

Dove set a new vase of flowers down by her great-grandmothers bedside, smiling down at the frail old lady. 

"Morning, grandma. I know you can't really hear me, but I'm on my way to school. I'll stop by to see you tomorrow..." Dove whispered, gently squeezing her hand. She then stood up, leaving the hospital before she was late for school. Once she had hoped that this life would get better... but that was before she let go of any fantasy or belief...


Teachers, classes, homework, bullies...

Teachers, classes, homework, bullies...

It was an endless cycle throughout the day. It wasn't easy being a foster kid, but it didn't help that everyone viewed her as a terrible person. They claimed that she drove her parents away, made them hate her enough to leave her behind while they really just ran away... Dove just blew them all off. 

The bell rang, signaling that the day was over. Dove jumped out of her seat with joy, quickly grabbing her books off of her desk table. The teacher yelled things about completing homework over the weekend, but Dove left quicker than he could finish. She ran out to her locker, shoving the books inside quickly. She didn't care if she looked crazy doing it, she was ready to be out of school for the weekend. 

Dove slammed her locker shut, hurrying forwards, but as she did, she ran straight into a boy... Shaggy brown hair, a lanky, but muscular body, and those eyes...She felt as if his viridescent orbs were staring straight into her soul...

"You okay? You should be more careful next time, love." The boy said, sporting off his charming British accent. Dove found herself raising her eyebrows slightly, impressed by his accent. She only nodded her head.  

"Y-Yeah...I'm sorry I bumped you." She whispered, but could shake something...He was smirking...She had never seen a smirk that looked so dark. It wasn't boyish or playful looking. It gave her a strange feeling that she didn't like. It was more than just that. She had never seen him, not even once. She could see the way the other kids in the school maneuvered around him as they walked. They only did that with the students who were deemed the 'popular' kids. But if he was popular, she would have seen him before... It just didn't add up. 

"No worries. You weren't watching for me, but trust me, love..." He leaned down a bit, whispering right above Dove's ear. 

"I have been watching for you..." And with that, he flashed her one of his panic arousing smirks, turned on his heel, and left... 

What did that mean...?


Dove's great-grandmother laid in her hospital bed, looking over at the pink flowers that Dove had brought her. She knew that her great-granddaughter was strong, but she also knew everyone had a breaking point. She could practically feel it in the air, something evil was near. Though she was old, her great-grandmother -although Dove just called her grandma- had sworn to protect her granddaughter for as long as she could from him, but she knew it was over... It was her fault...She should have known better than to make deals with an imp. 

A small whoosh was heard from the dark corner of the hospital room...Dove's great-grandmother didn't even need to open her eyes to know who it was... It was Pan...

"Look at how old and pathetic you've become..." The young boy spat, slowly coming to the old woman bed side. He gripped the bars at the end of the bed, glaring at the frail, lifeless woman in the bed. 

"I could have given you everything...But no, you wanted to go home to your parents. Well, their dead now. Your children are dead, even your grandchildren are gone. And here you are... still holding onto the last bit of life you have." Pan spat, crossing his arms with an infuriated look on his face. 

"I know why too." He said, a smirk taking over his young features yet again. 

"And you're too late...I found her, your great-granddaughter. And trust me...You are never going to see here again. You did your best to protect her from me, from the selfish deal you made...But you failed. Everyone else in my way is dead, but I want you to live just long enough to know that I won. I want to watch you suffer for lying to me." Pan smirked, walking over to the night stand where Dove had left the flowers. He gently picked one up, clenching his fists around it so tightly that it was smushed right in his hand. 

"No life can last forever...but thanks to your deal, mine can." He smirked, looking over the dead flower he destroyed as if it were art. 

"Good to see you again... Mrs. Wendy Darling..." 

And with a blink of the lights, Peter Pan was gone...


Hey guys! I really really hope you enjoyed this! I worked super super hard on it. 

YES, of course, there will be a part two. Im not sure how many parts this will require or if I'll turn it into a whole series. I don't know!

Let me know what you guys would like to see!!!!





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