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Request by lostgirlrak71

Wendy Darling. The name of the most flirtatious, annoying girl on the face of the earth. I've been on Neverland for years and I've lived happily with Peter and the lost boys. Peter and I always liked each other and everyone who stepped foot on the island knew it. Now that the new girl is here, I guess he lost interest. It's unbelievable how many nights I've spent crying without him noticing and how alone I've felt. Felix noticed and him being the amazing best friend he is, he would listen to my rants and hug me when I would start to cry.

I sit next to Felix, sharpening one of my arrows when I hear giggling. Wendy and Peter step into the camp laughing, well Wendy's laughing, Peter looks ticked off. But then again, when is he not? My face becomes red with anger. I clinch my fist so tightly that it snaps my arrow in half. Felix looks at me and then at my arrow, smirking.
"Follow my lead." He whispers.
"Just go with it." I nod my head and he scoots closer to me, putting his hand on my thigh. Oh, I know exactly what he's doing. Peter wants to play with Wendy, fine. Let's play.
"Y/n, have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?"
"Why thank you Felix. Have I ever told you how much I appreciate you?"
"No you haven't, but I sure wouldn't mind if you did."
"Well-" I'm suddenly yanked to my feet. I wink at Felix, satisfied with the outcome of our little show. I turn around to meet the eyes of one furious Peter Pan.
"Walk." He commands and shoves me into the forest. Quickly, I glance back at Felix and he mouths, "good luck."

I slow down, but Peter grabs me extremely tightly by my fore arm, causing me to squeal. "Did I say stop?!"
He's way more angry then I thought. He drags me through the forest huffing and mumbling under his breath, still annoyed with me. He suddenly stops and throws me in front of him, forcing me to look at him.
"What do you think your doing?!"
"What the heck are you talking about Pan?!" He was taken aback by that, I never call him Pan. His anger comes rushing back in and he pushes me against a tree.
"Don't raise your voice at me! Answer the bloody question! What were you trying to accomplish?!"
"Am I not aloud to talk to the boys anymore?"
"Not like that!!!" He puts his hands on both sides of the tree, preventing me from running away. Tears form in my eyes, he's so clueless!
"Well maybe I wouldn't go searching for other attention if you would at least notice my very existence! I was only trying to make you jealous! Your always out with little miss perfect now! You don't care about me and you never did! So just... Go back to Wendy! You clearly care about her more than me."
"A-are you jealous?" I can't hold it in anymore. Tears fall in pools from my eyes and I slam the back of my head against the tree.
"Of course Peter! I can't stand to see you two together! I love you with all my heart and you just forgot about me."
"Oh, baby." He pulls me into a hug and allows me to cry into his chest for nearly half and hour. "Shh. Darling, I will never love someone as much as I love you. Shh. It's okay."
He pulls me back to look at me, but I stare blankly at the ground.
"Look at me." I refuse. "Baby, look at me please." He says a bit more stern, but still sweetly. I slowly move my head up and look into his deep green eyes. Softly, he wipes away my tears with the pad of his thumb.

"Now then, would you like to explain why you thought I would ever leave you for Wendy?" A lump rises in my throat and I take a deep breath to compose myself.
"Hmmm?" I sigh, knowing he is the person I know I can trust the most.
"Y-your always together and I-I thought you were tired of me a-and-and." He puts one finger over my lips and shushes me.
"Shes only a pice in my game. I could never be tired of you, Y/n. I love you."
"I love you too Peter." A smirk dances across his lips, his emerald eyes searching my soul.
"Your cute when your blushing." I wrap my arms around his neck and his gives me a quick peck on the cheek.
"I should make you jealous more often."

Make sure to send request!!!!!!!!

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