Maybe He Loves Me

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Requested by PansLostGirl1996

I added a little twist;) hope that's okay.

As consciousness returned to my body, my eyes slowly fluttered open, only to find a cloth covering my eyes, preventing me from seeing. I slowly move my hands, but they are tied with what feels like rope or some kind of scratchy vine, behind my back. Being as silent as possible, I shift my legs to the side of my body to try and feel what kind of floor I'm sitting on. It feels like wood. So maybe it's a hut, a treehouse, a shack? It doesn't really matter where I am, what matters is whoever brought me here. The only thought I can fully register is, that I've been kidnapped.

"Morning, kitten." A thick British accent comes from my right. I can hear his heavy footsteps echoing as he walks closer to me. I bite my lip in fear, but I quickly tell myself to calm down. Something I've learned throughout my life, never let your enemy know just how weak you are.

"Where am I?" I try my hardest not to let my voice crack, yet still, it comes out sounding shy and afraid.

"If I told you, wouldn't that ruin the surprise?" I hear his knees crack, and I know he's squatted down to my level, his sarcastic tone and sharp breath slapping me like a ton of bricks.

"I-I just want to-" He interrupts me by ripping the cloth off my eyes with great force. The light shinning inside the room practically blinds me. I take in my surroundings, and turns out, I was right. I'm in a treehouse. As I slowly look up a my captors face, I'm slightly shocked. It's not a man, but a boy, probably no much older then me. He has shaggy brown hair, hanging loosely in his face, puffy cheeks, a button like nose, and his eyes. His eyes are emerald green, with what looks like gold lining around them. He stares at me so harshly, like he's trying to read my mind.

"Who are you?"

"You ask a lot of questions." I think the being stubborn isn't gonna get me anywhere with him, seeing as he's stubborn himself, but maybe if I play nice.

"I just want to know what's going on here. It's not everyday I wake up to situations like this one." He chuckles, more to himself than to me, and stands up. He pulls me up from under my arms and cuts the ropes off my wrists with dagger that seemed to appear out of thin air.

"You want your answers, darling?" I slowly nod my head, still being very cautious about this boy.

"Well then," He pulls out a sheet of paper and hands it to me.

"Read for yourself." I unroll the paper, still looking at him, but he's more focused on the paper. So, I decide to just listen to him and read the paper.

By order of The King and Queen of this division of the enchanted forest, a trade has been made. In these terrible, rough years, our kingdom has been forced into fighting in The Ogres War, but alas, the man eating giants are much to powerful for an ordinary King and Queen to defeat. Today, we record in history as the day our prayers have been answered. A powerful wizard from another land vowed to save the kingdom for a reasonable price. This wizard slew everyone of the beasts and even healed the injured children of the kingdom. The King, being a fair and just man, kept his end of the bargain and agreed to what the wizard wanted. When the Kings first born daughter was of age, she was to marry the wizard, for this was no ordinary wizard, but none other than the non-aging, all-powerful, Peter Pan of NeverLand. And today, on the princesses (Y/A) birthday, she was given to Peter Pan. She is now and forever is his hands and under his control. Our kingdom is greatful to the magic and mercy of the King of NeverLand and our hearts grieve for the loss of our princess.

Signed by The King and Queen....

No. That's not possible...

But I know it is.

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