My little girl

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Requested by peterpancake71
I glance over at Rumple who is thinking the same thing as me. We are both really not happy about going back to NeverLand. But it's for Henry, and that's all that matters. Haunting memories from this island and its ruler still linger in my mind. They are seared into my brain and will remain there forever. Once we dock on the island Rumple goes off on his own and I decide to do the same. I just can't take a bunch of hope-filled heros constantly on my back about how I know Pan and why I've been to this island before. Don't get me wrong, they are great people and I care about them, but their just a bit too optimistic for my liking.

I walk through the dense NeverLand jungle, making myself aware of the beasts that could be waiting to kill me. Thought is seems as if they shy away when their about to pounce, like something is scaring them away. Suddenly, a twig snaps behind me. I quickly draw my dagger, in fear of who could be following me, but then, I hear a voice I hoped I'd never hear again.

"Don't cut yourself with that, darling." I turn back around, my gaze meeting his. My lips tremble and I slowly put my knife away. I know he won't hurt me. As he looks me up and down he smiles genuinely and comes closer.

"What do you want?" I snap. He holds his hands up, giving a sign of surrender.

"Oh don't be like that, Elizabeth. You sure have grown up beautiful." I stand still, not bothering to shiver as he runs the back of his hand over my cheek. He tried to hug me, but I'm not having any of that crap.

"Get off me!" Without thinking, I grab his arm and twist it backwards. So if he tries to get out of my grip, it'll break his arm. Then, I take my dagger back out of press the blade to the exposed skin of his neck. With his back pressed harshly against my chest, I can feel his breathing become uneven.

"You always did take after me." Now that's a trick I'll never fall for. I don't want to be anything like him. He's a monster after what he did to me. I remove my dagger from his neck and push him forward.

"I'm. Nothing. Like. You."

"Well of course you are. You've always been my little girl."

Yes. That's right. Peter Pan is my father. He abandoned my little brother, Rumple and I. I want to hate him for what he did, but I can't. As much as he broke my heart when he left us, as selfish as he was, I still love him. I'm angry and disappointed in him, but I love him.

"Well you didn't care when you left us. You still don't care. You've never cared about me at all!"

"Don't raise your voice at me young lady." I open my mouth to speak, but I immediately close it. Even though he abandoned me, he's still my father.

"I didn't actually expect to you to obey."

"Your still my father." I mutter under my breath. As much as I expect him to be cocky and smirk at my response, he doesn't. He seems utterly shocked.

"Don't look at me like that. Just because you ruined my life doesn't mean I hate you, even though it should." I look down at my feet, trying my best to avoid him, but I feel his long fingers curl under my chin and raise my face, my eyes meeting his once again.

"What happened, Elizabeth? To you and Rumple?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because your my child." His voice was stern, yet his eyes soft and his body looked so inviting. Truly, I wanted nothing more then to hug my father. Just to finally be able to feel something. I've felt numb for years, I don't even know how to love.

"The old spinning ladies took Rumple in, but couldn't afford to take me in too. They sent me to an orphanage and once again, no one wanted me. I was thrown out when I was a considered old enough to survive on my own. I found a place where I wouldn't age, a place where I could have a fresh start. A place called the land of lost stories. I stayed there for hundreds of years, but when I heard about the queens curse that could take us to a new land, I took an opportunity to get back to the enchanted forest just in time for the curse. I lived in Storybrooke for 30 years until you kidnapped Henry, and here I am. And what were you doing? Playing a flute and kidnapping boys for you to play hide and go seek with? Congrats. You win the father of the year award."

His eyes flashed dark, indicating he wasn't happy about my comment. He clinched his fists, turning his knuckles white as his face twisted into a snarl, but he suddenly softened his glare.

"I'm sorry."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I'm sorry about what I did. There isn't a day that goes by that I haven't thought about you. And no matter what you think Elizabeth, I do love you. I always have and I always will."

I brush off everything he just said and start to walk away. There's no way he actually means that. He left me. He doesn't love me. He's not sorry.

"Elizabeth, baby girl, please wait." He spins me around, keeping his hand on my shoulder, but I'm quick to slap it away.

"Don't touch me! If you actually loved me, you never would have left me! I spent my entire life being exactly what you made me. A lost, unloved, unwanted little girl! I don't hate you, but that doesn't mean I'll ever forgive you! So please, leave me alone." The last part comes out as a voice cracking whisper, tears forming in my eyes. But I refuse to cry in front of him. He's the only reason I've ever cried my whole life, and I won't let him make me look weak and vulnerable. I turn around once more, preparing to walk away, before I head him whisper something.

"I'm sorry, Elizabeth. I didn't want to have to do this." Before I could ask him what he was talking about, I felt something come in hard contact with the back of my head. I was sent flying to the floor and just before I blacked out, I could feel my father, Peter Pan, carrying me.

"Papa, please! Don't let it take us!"

"I don't have a choice." The shadow held rumple and I tightly, but I was not going down without a fight. I wanted my father back. I'll never forget the first time I saw Pans emerald eyes. He looked so pained, yet so determined. I managed to escape the shadows grasp long enough to grab onto my father one last time.

"Why Papa? Why am I not good enough."

"It's not anything you've done, baby."

"So you don't love me?" He placed one last kiss on my forehead.

"But I do." I was snatched into the air by the shadow, forced to watch as my Father slowly faded away as the shadow took my brother and I higher and higher in the air.


"PAPA!" I woke up in a soft bed in some kind of tent. My breath is still uneven from the nightmare about the day my father gave me up. But I just can't hold it in anymore, after screaming his name, I break down in tears. As my sobs flood the room, I hear the tent flap fly open and the  two warm hands land on my shoulders. As I look up I see my father standing over me with a pained expression written across his face.

"Come here, darling." He sits on the bed and cradles me like the baby he once gave up. I wrap my arms around his neck and cry my eyes out. He places a small kiss on the top of my head, making me cry even harder.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth. This my fault. I-"

"I forgive you, Papa." To him, that was unexpected. He didn't think I would just forgive him, but I missed him. He would hold me whenever I had a nightmare and after years of being alone, I wanted him to comfort me. It felt like he was my father again.

"I love you, Papa. Please don't make me leave again."

"Never. Your staying here, with me. I do love, Elizabeth. I want you to know that." He continues to sooth me until my crying stops and I start to doze off again.

"Pleas don't leave me, Papa."

"I'm here, Elizabeth. I'm not leaving you ever again. You'll always be my little girl."

Hey guys! Hope you liked that! I love the idea of Peter having a daughter. Big announcement! I've started writing my new Peter Pan fanfic and a new Robbie fanfic, so I might be a little busy. Sorry if I haven't posted your request yet! I will soon! Love ya!

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