Being Pans lost girl

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Being Pans lost girl would include-

-receiving extra attention during training

-the boys respecting you and treating you like your one of them

-Felix being like your big brother

-accidentally calling Pan 'Peter' and he lets you

-not playing the 'mother' role unless you feel like it

-but still singing the little boys to sleep, and little do you know, Peter and the older boys are listening from outside with Peter stuck with a stupid smile on his face

-Peter running into your tent when you have a nightmare and staying with you for the rest of the night

-waking up in his arms with his lips pressed against your forehead

-one of the younger boys accidentally calling you 'mommy' and Peter couldn't stop smiling

-Felix's face lighting up when Peter comes to him saying, "Felix, I need advice."

-Felix finally convincing him to ask you out

-you instantly saying yes

-you and him actually have a good time

-truly falling in love with each other

-him kissing you lovingly at random times, just to make you feel better

-whenever you help train the new lost boys, he always has to be touching you. Wether it be holding your hand, having his arm around your waist, resting his hand on the small of your back, or wrapping his arms around you from behind.

-glaring at any lost boy who looks at you in a way he doesn't like for to long

-you noticing his jealousy

-marching right to him and kissing him in front of everyone

-one of the new lost boys still having the guts to hit on you:

"Can I help you?" You asked, turning your head to see one of the new lost boys staring at you.

"No, no." He smirked slightly. "You're just about the sassiest little bird out there." He came closer to the tree you were leaning on. "I like sass."

You rolled your eyes, but continued to press your back against the tree, getting as far away from him as possible. His breath was fanning across your face, making you extremely uncomfortable.

"Step away from the queen!" Devin yelled, walking over with Felix and some of the other older boys, but the boy didn't move.

"Get. Off. Her." Felix growled, yet the boy didn't move. You could clearly see Devin holding Felix back so he wouldn't kill anyone.

"Ah. Come on, what's wrong with having a little fun?" The boy said, making the surrounding lost boys faces turn blood red with furry. They were listening to him talk in a way they didn't like, about you! Their sister! Their friend! The queen of NeverLand!

"You wanna have some fun?" You asked, bringing the attention back to you. The smirk on his face was disgusting, but you had a plan.

"Fine, lets play." You shoved him backwards, kneeing him in the stomach. He let out a grunt of pain, clutching the spot where you had hit him. Then, you grabbed his arm, flipping him over completely. When his back hit the ground, the lost boys that were watching all yelled and cheered, 'oooooo's' and 'ahhhh's' coming from them.

"ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!" Devin yelled, earning a laugh from the entire crowd. That's when your eyes landed on Peter. His face was coated with pride, but his smile was so loving.

"My Queen." He bowed to you, making your cheeks flush deep red. Even though you've been together for a long time, he could still make you blush like mad over the simplest things. You curtsied, smiling as you slowly looked back up at him.

"My King."

-you two dancing for the rest of the night.

A/N: hope you guys liked that! I know it was kind different, but it was something I wanted to try. Please let me know if you liked it! 💚

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