Curious Arrival

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Read A/N: at the end. Its important. Enjoy!

Third Person POV

Her fingers ran over the soft grass laying underneath her, her head being supported by a cushion of flowers and leaves as the girl laid on the forest ground. She could hear little whispers around her. The voices of boys, their ages varying, but their confusion upon seeing the young lady in NeverLand was the same. 

"Who is she?"

"Has the shadow brought her?" 

"What will Pan think of her?"

The whispers of her arrival was bringing the lost boys more curiosity by the moment as they stared at her still form. To show them she was now awake, the girl's eyes fluttered open, which caused the boys to gasp as if they had either awakened a dragon or seen a creature they had never seen in their lives. 

The girl didn't utter a word, yet, neither did the boys. They were far too entranced with the creature laying before them. However, the six lost boys present and the new arrival all looked up upon the sound of a calm, smooth voice. 

"Boys. You all stand out here in the cold instead of in your beds that I have provided you with. You know the rules, and yet, you disobeyed them. For what?" The girl's eyes filled with many emotions: confusion, worry, curiosity, engrossment... The list could continue for hours, but she put her own thoughts to rest when the face of the man who spoke came into the moonlight. She saw the he, in fact, was not a man, but a boy. A boy no older than her. Or so he appeared. 

"We're sorry, Pan. We saw the shadow fly in with a new one. We were too curious to wait." One of the lost boys spoke. 'Pan', as the girl now new his name, looked at the young boy who spoke, but didn't give any sort of emotion on his face. 

"Joshua, Daniel, Tootles, Nibs, Kian, Chase..." He said, calling them all by their names. "Go back to camp with the others. You will meet the new arrival in the morning..." He commanded, yet his tone wasn't as harsh as the boys expected. 

"Expect double work in training tomorrow." He added. As much as the lost boys wanted to groan or argue, they knew that would be a foolish idea when they had already messed with Peter Pan. 

"Yes, Pan..." They all said in unison, taking one last glance at the girl who was now sitting up on the ground. They began to walk away and once they were out of sight, Pan turned to the girl on the forest grass. 

"What is your name?" He asked while pulling her up gently. He knew what her anger would be, however, he wanted to make sure that the magic he used would work properly. The girl's face twisted in confusion. 

"I-I can't remember...Why-Why can't I remember...?" She asked fearfully, her heart starting to pound. Panic over took her quickly, but Pan knew that it would. This happened to every lost boy when they came...but she was different...Deep in his heart, Pan knew his didn't just bring her to become one of the boys, however, Pan wasn't going to change his ways for her. 

"Dont panic. We'll simply give you a new name." Pan normally let the boys pick their new names, but he had a perfect name picked out for her. To make it look as if he were thinking about it, he gently cupped her face, examining her features, thinking about if the name he picked for her would be suitable. 

While looking at the girl's face, examining her beautiful eyes, he knew his name for her was perfect. Her long brown hair, sparkling blue orbs, pale skin, the small freckles on her cheeks that would go unnoticed by most...But he noticed them. He noticed everything about everyone on his island. 

"Ella...Your name is Ella." Pan whispered, for it meant beautiful...And beautiful she was... The girl thought about it for a moment, slowly nodding her head. Ella looked into Pans eyes for a moment as he slowly took his hands away from her face. 

"Alright then, Ella...Welcome to NeverLand. You surely have a life of adventure ahead of you." 



I really really hope you all enjoyed that! So, I was thinking about turning this into a book and I wanted to give you guys a little teaser! Would you guys be interested? Would you read it if I made a book out of this?

Please let me know in the comments!


(Yo. And share with others. that would be littt. :) 

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