Let Her Go

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Song inspiration: Let Her Go, by Passengers.

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Pan's POV


Staring at the bottom of your glass...

I sat at the dinner table, tuning out the boys conversations. I stared emotionless at the bottom of my empty glass, thinking about her... While I kept a blank, cold expression on my face, there was a war raging in my head, heart, and soul.

Why would you leave me?

Hoping one day you'll make the dream last...

It was never my dream, it was our dream... To be here on NeverLand together, not aging, just free to be who we are. Our dream, she said we could have happiness. She said he could live on NeverLand, have a family, that we would be together.

It was perfect... Until it wasn't...

But dreams come slow and they go so fast...

I remember everything... How could I forget anything about you?

She created the dream, then she crushed it... She crushed me... So willingly, without any regrets...

For you were my second chance, but maybe I never deserved one...

The memories are forever burned into my mind.

Well you only miss the light when it's burning low.

"Peter, I can't stay here any longer." She said...

"I hate it here! I hate you!" I froze...

"I never loved you and I never will." I felt my heart break within me...

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow...

I crumbled before her more and more as hateful words fell from her lips, the lips that once lied and said she loved me. She stood over my weak kneeling figure, begging for her to stay. Her eyes were dark, filled with hatred.

"If you loved me, you would let me go..." She pleaded...

Only know you love her when you let her go...

I was shaking, crying, and broken, slowly hardening my heart. I wanted to hate her, but I loved her... I still do...

"Go..." I spoke with a calm voice, waiting until she ran out without a goodbye before I let a sob after sob. I went numb, tears flowing down my cheeks. Images of what I thought was our happy ending flashed through my mind.

"But I loved you."

You see her when you close your eyes...

She should be here, or maybe she shouldn't. My heart wants her here, but my head knows what's best. And what's best is for me to forget her, for me to be a heartless monster.

But I can't forget...

Maybe one day you'll understand why everything you touch surely dies...

Perhaps I was never meant to have a happy ending, maybe is was born to be alone. I have been a magnet for hatred and evil my whole life. Darkness seems so comfortable until you finally find even a speck of light. But soon, darkness will snuff it out.

That is why I'll never be happy. I am darkness, I am hurt, brokenness, and heartbreak embodied in a teenager. The world hates me almost as much I do...

As much as you do...

But I will love you until I'm no more and even then...

And you let her go...

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