Pans punishment

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Y/n= your name
Y/e/c= your eye color.

Imagine: breaking one of Pans rules and he really doesn't want to hurt or punish you, but he has a reputation to protect. None of the lost boys know about you and Pan except Felix, who was like your big brother. You've tried begging Peter to forgive you, but he knows that he has to punish you.

"Peter please. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. Please. Forgive me!"

You sit on your knees as Pan towers over you with a smirk spread across his face.

"Oh y/n."

He squats down in front of you as he holds your face in his hands.

"Run my little lost girl."

He sees the flash of hurt and betrayal in your eyes as you sprint off into the woods. He hated this. He loved you more than anything in this world, but his boys could never find out exactly how much he was willing to do for you. You broke a rule. No one. And I mean no one, breaks Pans rules and goes unpunished. He decided to play a round of his dangerous hide and seek.

"Give her five minutes to run then go after her. One rule. Do. Not. Kill. Her."
Pan slowly walked back to his camp with his head held down. He knew by now the boys were out after you. He hated doing this to you, but he didn't have a choice. Felix sits down next to him.

"I know you don't like this Pan."
Pan tried to look angry and upset with you, but he couldn't. He was worried about you.

"She broke the rules! No one break my rules-"

"Yes. But you and I both know that she didn't mean to. She probably didn't even know
what she was doing."

"Your right Felix. I feel terrible." Pan blows out some air he's been sucking in.

"I don't know what I'm going to tell her. Did you see the way she looked at me Felix?"
Felix scrunched his brows, not understanding what Pan meant.

"The betrayal in her beautiful y/e/c eyes." Pan is suddenly interrupted by a blood curling scream. Your scream.

"Y/n." Pan whispered.

"Felix stay here in case she comes back." Not giving Felix anytime to respond, Pan darts into the forest looking for you.

"Y/n!!! Where are you?!"Pan shouts as he goes deeper and deeper into the woods. He hears you scream again, and it's getting closer. Pan runs into a small clearing in the woods and see you and 4 other lost boys surrounding you.

"What do you think your doing?!" Pan spats out angrily. You think he is talking to you, so you attempt to scoot back until your back hits a tree.

"We were playing the game Pan." One of the lost boys says, a little confused. Pan notices you holding your rib cage. He quickly runs to you and examined your wound. It even makes him wince. You see his face go completely blank with color and his eyes turn 5 shades darker from their original emerald green. He slowly rises up and turns to face the lost boys with a murderous expression on his handsome face.

"Who did this?!" He snapped.

"I-I did Pan." The oldest lost boy shows Pan his dagger, covered in your blood.

"I told you not to kill her!!!"

"But I-We didn't!"

"That's a fatal wound! If I wouldn't have found her in time she would have bled to death!!! Get. Back. To. Camp. Now!!! Before I kill you all myself!" The boys dash into the forest to avoid Pans wrath.

"I-I'm... Sorry. Im so sorry y/n." Pan drops on his knees in front of you. With your non-bloody hand, you take his large hand in you little one like they were two perfect halves. Like they were made for each other.

"Peter. L-look at me pl-please." He slowly looks up at you with tears brimming in his eyes.

"I love you."

"How? How can you possibly love a monster like me? I did this to you!"

"No. You didn't. You saved me." He leans in and kisses you softly. He pulls away with an adorable, genuine smile on his face.

"I love you too."

Wasn't that sweet!!!!!!!!!
Okay just letting you guys know, I am taking requests. So if you have any ideas, just comment or message me! Don't forget to vote!
Love you guys!

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