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Requested by lostgirlrak71

So allow me to explain this imagine a little...

In this imagine, Malcolm is a teenager. When he becomes Peter Pan in NeverLand, it's like his body has been taken back in time. So his Peter Pan body is what he looked like when he was teenage Malcolm. Does that make sense?

And it's just like a small backstory, so it's just one scene.

Also, I am fresh out of ideas for imagines. So please request!



Third Person POV

Malcolm was an innocent child, as kind and tender as a toddler could be. He would help his mother around their 3 roomed shack and pick flowers by the river for her. His mother was the light of his life, she was his everything. There had never been a stronger relationship, but all Malcolm knew and loved was ripped away from him when his mother died.

She left behind her broken hearted 7 year old little boy with a father who never loved him. She would no longer be there to protect Malcolm, to sing to him, nor to tell him stories of his dream world, NeverLand. She was gone.

The little boy's father never cared for his son, he was barely around. He only saw Malcolm as another mouth to feed, a priority. But Malcolm tried to love his father like his mother told him to do.

Malcolm's father grew tired of caring for his son, though he rarely did, and sold him to a black smith when he was only 9.

Malcolm had less freedom the more he grew. By the age of 13 he was working day and night just to be allowed to eat. With the little amount of time he was allotted to sleep, he was chained in the barn like an animal. Every single night, the green eyed boy would cry himself to sleep, dreaming about his mother, praying he could escape to a land he had created solely to allow himself some happiness. NeverLand.

There was only one light in his world of darkness...

By the time Malcolm was 16 he had fallen deeply in love. She wasn't rich nor was she free, but she was kind and beautiful. Every time the two could escape their masters long enough to be together they would. The two children, forced to grow up so quickly had fallen in love with each other.

Malcolm promised himself he would work even harder than he already did and earn his freedom. He would work without a moment of rest if that's what it took so he could be free, so he could set the girl he loved free. They laughed together, played together, yet they cried together and mourned together.

The girl he loved so much reminded him of why he would work so hard. She had the ability to set his heart on fire. She was the only one who could soothe his nightmares, the only one who cared.

But even the happiness they had in secret couldn't last...

"Malcolm! Get down here!" Malcolm stood up from the hot coals he worked over and ran into the storeroom from where he had been called. He saw his master, his mistress, and their daughter waiting for him.

"Y-Yes Mam." The boy spoke, lowering his eyes out of respect.

"Don't stutter, Malcolm." His mistress replied.

"I'm sorry, mam." Their daughter laughed, walking up to Malcolm and grabbing his strong arms. He fought the urge to shove her away, knowing he would be punished.

"Malcolm, dear." The young girl chirped, brushing back some of his hair and cupping his face in her hands. "Have you ever thought about running away?" She smiled.

Malcolm's eyes widened, his body froze. Of course he had thought about it, but that's only natural. He had never attempted to run.

"N-No miss."

"Good." She smiled. "I need you to do something for me." He nodded, still confused by her previous question. The girl, who treated Malcolm like a pet since the day he arrived reached over the counter top and handed him a small box.

"I want you to take this into the village and give it to a man named Jacob. You must come straight back. Do you understand me?" She said, her voice as confident as ever. Her face became serious as Malcolm delayed his answer a bit.

"Y-Yes mam." The girl smiled once more, sending Malcolm out the door when she stopped.

"Oh. And take the girl with you." She snapped before walking inside. Malcolm's face lit up.

They are trusting the both of us to go together... He thought.

He quickly ran into the barn where the two of them were chained in at night. Though he had seen her like this year after year, it still broke his heart to see his love chained up, lying on a pile of hay for a bed.

"Holland." He ran to her, shaking her awake.

"Holland, angel, wake up." The girl stirred, slowly opening her eyes. She was rather shocked to see her lover so ecstatic.

"Malcolm, what has come over you?" Holland stared at the boy she loved, lifting one of her chained up hands to stroke down a few loose hairs on his head.

"Let's go." Malcolm said, grabbing the key off the highest shelf and unlocking her chains.

"Malcolm, we can't do that. We would be-"

"No, you don't understand." The boy said, cutting her off. "Look." He said, pointing to the box on the ground that their masters had given them.

"They told me to go into town and give that box to a man named Jacob. They are allowing you to come with me, but we must come right back." Holland smiled, wrapping her arms around Malcolm's torso the instant he fully rid her of the chains. Malcolm smiled, resting his head on top of hers as he closed his arms around her.

Oh how I love her... He thought...While the two of them could stay like that all day, Malcolm slowly pulled away from her.

"Now then, let's go."



MY USER NAME IS: rakersneverfail


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