The Mind of Peter Pan

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Read authors note at the end💗

Third Person POV

It was a silly thing hardly anyone could master, deducing what exactly Peter Pan was thinking. What thought lay behind the glimmering green pupils as the fire light danced off of them? Who did he think of when the corners of his lips turned upwards, and his foot began to tap anxiously. What horrid memory was it that kept him awake at night, playing the flute until he managed to lull himself back to somewhat peaceful slumber? All these were chalked up to question marks floating around the boy as he went about his daily life. The lost boys could never exactly tell when he was in a good mood and when he wasn't. Only his right hand man was able to learn a bit of what he was thinking. The mind of Peter Pan was always pondering on something. On keeping himself alive, on providing for his lost boys, the safety of his island, and more recently, her. The young beauty who always sat across from him. At the dinner table, at the camp fire. The girl was the one who was able to read through him. She saw behind his smirks and his broody attitude. She often caught him staring. She found him staring even when he, himself, didn't realize he was doing it. He'd take one look at the breathtaking female in front of him and get lost in thought. He was more lost than any of them knew. His mind, as clever as it was, was also a complex and dangerous device, one of the wisest and strongest of persons could possibly contain without going absurdly mad. Pan might argue that he had gone mad long ago, but there was a certain someone who knew in her heart that it was only a bluff. He had many different layers, one that needed to be peeled back slowly. 

The first layer.
His initial attitude. When greeting a new arrival or a pirate who chose to venture to NeverLand, Pan put on that same assertive, all knowing smirk that he so often liked to flaunt. He was often cold and threatening to the new recruits who came to the island. He made it perfectly clear who was in control of the island and all its inhabitants.

The second layer was perhaps the most welcoming side of him that many lost boys saw. He began to grow warmer towards them. A bit of fun was allowed here and there, but was never to take away from the necessary work that ensured health and safety on the island. Possibly, a friendship might even begin to grow, though it should never be forgotten that stepping on his toes would result in serious repercussion.

The third layer that she had uncovered was rare to see. It was a caring side of him unlike all the rest. It was not a goofy nor happy side, but a side of protectiveness that showed when one of his own was injured by an outsider. His voice hard and demanding as he gave instructions while working on healing the injured party. It was a serious voice, one that silenced the entire camp. Not a soul dared to break the focus of a protective Peter Pan.

The fourth layer was quite possibly the most painful for Pan himself. The side of him that showed the scars of the past. Unforgettable memories, ones that would haunt the boy for the rest of eternity. Triggered memories would often lead to an abrupt end to any fun and a heavy work load added. It was the only way Pan could see fit to cure his anger, his sadness. Talk about it with someone who cared for him? Absolutely not. He chose to suppress it all and make work to distract himself. The memories would never go away, nor would they even begin to fade for the immortal boy.

And fifth. The final layer that she had discovered was the best, yet most frightening one of all. What was it like to have the most powerful man in all the realms care so much about your survival that he would die for you? Frightening. What was it like to have him put your needs above his and all else's? Frightening. What did it feel like knowing that he trusted you, or how did it feel when you finally conquered the beast everyone else saw in him? Frightening. Frightening. Frightening. But the most rewarding thing of all. Under the upper four layers was just a boy. A boy with his heart in his hands, ready to offer all the love and protection in all the world to the one who finally understood. Where there was trust, there was love. And where there was love, there was an unbreakable tie. As truly terrifying as it was for her, knowing she was the lone person who could understand the heart and kind of Peter Pan, it was also the most thrilling thing she had ever experienced.

Such a complex, yet truly beautiful creature was he.


Ayyyyyeee. So I've been gone for..... oh yeah. A REALLY LONG FRIGGIN TIME😂 I'm going to start updating by imagines again! The thing is, I ran out of ideas. So I stopped updating. But I'm just gonna say screw it and start updating whenever I can come up with even the slightest good idea! I miss writing!

I know this imagine was kinda weird, but I like this style of inside Pans mind. And in case ya can't tell, the reader was meant to be the 'she'😂

I never left the fandom! I just want to say that. I just stopped writing due to a lack of ideas. I've been editing on Instagram for many many years now. My username is northstar.aep
Please go give me a follow! I really love editing. I think it's one of my biggest passions!

Let me know if you guys still want more imagines! Is there anyone even left in this fandom? lol.

Comment and Vote so I know if you guys want me to keep updating!

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