Look me in the eyes

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A/N: so this one is pretty short, but I hope you guys like it!

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"CLEARLY NOT! OR I WOULDN'T HAVE TO KEEP RESCUING YOU!" And here we are again, arguing over something so dumb, but neither of us would admit that.

"I never asked to be rescued, PAN!" I spat out his name like a disease, infuriating him further. He ran his fingers through his hair, gripping it tightly, trying his best to contain himself. But then again, it's not like I've never seen him angered.

"You are so ungrateful! You could've been hurt!" His voice boomed in the air, making me cower in fear slightly, but I refused to look weak in front of him. He's so unfair and unreasonable sometimes!

"Well I didn't! It's not like you'd care anyways! All you care about is yourself!" His fists flew in the air, banging the wall behind my back. A gasp escaped my mouth, I couldn't help it. He scared me. He kept his hands on the wall, caging me in between his arms.

"That's not true, Y/N. You know that." His voice was low, despite his little tantrum. I scoffed, trying to push him away from me, but he kept his feet planted firmly on the ground.

"I know?! What I know is that you are horrible!"

"Why is it so horrible for me to want to keep you safe?!" His voice grew louder. "Why are you so difficult?!" Pans eyes were always green, but they were always different shades. When he was in a good mood, maybe even happy, the were bright forest green, but when he was angry they were dark and threatening.

"I-I'm not! You are!" No. I thought. Did my voice really betray me? Now?! Pan instantly noticed. I watched as his lips quirked up into a smirk, cocking an arched eyebrow.

"My dear, Y/N, darling did you stutter?" He said sarcastically, infuriating me. "Do I frighten you? Make you nervous?"

"You're sickening!" I screamed in his face, trying to shove him away from me, but he only moved his arms in closer to my face. His careless, joking manner left as fast as it came and his serious face returned.

"And you're an ungrateful, infuriating brat!"

"Oh, don't pretend like you have no faults." I snapped back.

"I never said I was perfect!"

"But you sure act like it!" He brought his face closer to mine, staring at me with fire behind his eyes, trying to read my mind,

"No. I. Don't." His voice was dripping with venom, he seethed his words through his gritted teeth. And I was silent. I was scared.

"Why? Why can't you be grateful that I want to protect you? Why can't you except the fact I care about you?" His eyes flickered down to my parted lips, then back to my eyes. He looked like he was fighting himself, trying not to do anything he would regret. "You don't care about me though."

I remained silent, unaware of what to say. Of course I cared, but he was just so-so-so annoying, nosy, and controlling!

"Fine." He growled. "Ignore me, but do one thing for me." I stared at his shoulder, wanting not to look at his face.

"If you really don't care, look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me." His voice cracked at the very thought. I already felt my eyes filling with tears, my eyebrows furrowing in disappointment of my own actions. Slowly, I raised my gazed to meet his, and I was instantly devastated. The hope that was in his eyes, the vulnerability.

"I. Don't. Love. You." And just like that, I crushed him. And I hated myself for it. I stared at him blankly for a moment, but when I saw the tears welling up in his eyes, I pushed myself off the wall, moving him out of my way. Once I was out of his sight, I felt a tear roll down my cheek before I ran out of his hut, slamming the door behind me.

I just broke Peter Pans heart...

Third persons POV

Peter stood there, staring at the wall where she had been. His lips were parted, tears openly falling from his eyes. He was broken. Maybe, just maybe, he thought she could learn to love him.

How stupid I am. He thought. To open myself up. Not only was he devastated, but he was angry, with himself. He slammed his fists against the wall, a scream leaving his mouth. His feet backed him into the cabinet behind him, causing glass to fall and shatter on the floor. He felt some fly up to his arms, creating thin lines of crimson blood flowing down to his wrists. Peter slowly sunk to the floor, leaning against the door of his hut.

Little did he know, the girl he was madly in love with was breaking down in tears. She was only behind the door, sitting with her head leaning against it.

How could I do that to him? She thought. It was a lie.

It wasn't until she lost him that she realized she loved him...


At some point, I had fallen asleep leaning on his door. I could just barley see the sun shinning though the trees, giving the forest a slight warm glow. Quickly, I jumped to my feet, staring numbly at Pans door. My bones felt old and creaky, move as slow as a sloth as I reached for the handle of the door. To my surprise, it was unlocked. I slowly shuffled into the room, softly closing the door behind me, and the sight I was heart breaking.

The king of NeverLand, laying next to the door, in a pile of broken glass, with dried blood sticking to his arms and tears still streaming down his face.

My body reacted before my mind did. I immediately wet a cloth and collected some bandages, rushing back to Pans side. After sitting down on the floor next to him, I pulled his head into my lap, wiping away his tears and a few drops of blood of his face. I continued to clean his arms, but when I got to his hand, it was clear that his knuckles were broken. To the best of my abilities, I wrapped his hand up in the bandages before staring down at his face.

To me, Pan always did look like a puppy when he slept. He looked so relaxed and stress free. I swept back some hair that had fallen in front of his eyes, lightly tucking it behind his ear. He softly stirred before his eyes fluttered open. It took a moment for his vision to clear, but he could easily make out my face.

"What are you doing here?"

"I-I came to-to, uhh, check on you." We both whispered our words, our voices sore from yelling the previous day. His head slowly nodded against my lap. Pan continued to stare at me, so...longingly. I felt tears welling up in my eyes again, so I turned my head to the side, gulping.

But I just...couldn't.

A chocked sob filled the air, a tear of mine falling onto Pans shoulder.

"Hey," he whispered. "Y/N, don't you cry."

"It was a lie!" I exclaimed.

"What? I don't-" I cut him off, looking him dead in this eyes. Normally, admitting when you were wrong to Pan was terrible, because he would make a cocky remark to which I'd fire back with a snarky one, but I was so, so terribly wrong. That same hope lingered in his eyes as before, making me smile.

"I love you." A smile crossed his own lips, his valid hand reaching up to stroke my cheek. I leaned down over him, closing the space in between our lips, showing the truth behind my confession. He kissed me back with equal passion, pouring his heart out to me.

When he pulled away, he looked me in the eyes and whispered,

"I love you too."

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