His forever (part 2)

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Requested by PansLostGirl1996

I woke up tightly tucked into a bed. The events that happened before I blacked out come flooding into my mind. I went searching for Henry, ran into Pan, then he kidnapped me. Slowly, I sit up and walk out of the tent I was previously laid in. Lost boys flood the camp in front of me and Pan sits on a log by the fire the light reflects on his slim face, causing it to glow in some places while shadows lingger on the other half of his face.
"Y/n?!" I turn around in time to see Henry before we both engulf each other in a hug.

"What are you doing here?"

"Take a guess kiddo."

"Pan kidnapped you too?" Right when I was about to nod, Pan approaches us both, a mischievous smirk dancing on his lips.

"I prefer the term borrowed without permission." He wraps an arm around my waist, but I quickly slap it away.

"Not a touchy feely girl I see." Henry slowly backed away.

"I'll um, give you two a moment then. Awkward..." Henry leaves Pan and I alone, the smirk still attacked to Pans lips.

"What are you gonna do to me, Pan?" He slowly starts to circle me, making me shiver, knowing his eyes are soaking in my appearance.

"Whatever I feel like doing." He stops circling me and comes closer and closer to me until our lips are touching. We aren't kissing, I'm not falling for that again, but our lips are extremely close.

"Lucky for you darling," He curls his fingers under my chin and lifts my face to look at his.

"I'm in a generous mood. Right now, I just want answers and you, my love, are a mystery." Gosh he's so cute. Wait, did I just think that?! No no no no!!! He's just hiding behind his words.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Though it seemed impossible before, he comes closer to me still, but he seems so calm and curious. He seems different from his normal seductive and cockiness. He's being gentle and sweet.

"I want to know about you, y/n." He whispers in my ear so, so softly, causing shivers to run down my back. I feel so nervous yet so comfortable with him.

"A-ask away."

"What happened to you? Nobody is cruel without cause. Even I have cause, but I want to know what happened. Has anyone ever hurt you? Your parents? Or-" He stops when he sees a tear roll down my cheek. He's understanding me and I'm not even saying anything.

"Please don't cry, darling. It's okay. They are only memories now."

"You were right. It was my parents. I-I was a little girl and I came home one day from doing my chores. We were so poor, but I thought I was cared about. My parents told me they were going to town and they would be back, but th-they never came back. A woman and some men came into my crummy little house and told me that my parents sold me to them for a passage to a land called wonderland, but I ran. I became a theif and when the dark curse came I was right back to where I started, an orphan."

Before I know what's happening, Peter tightly wrapped his arms around, pulling me into his chest. I allow a tear to sinliently fall from my face, hitting the thick fabric of Peters shirt. I try to hide my crying, but this is Peter Pan and he knows like, everything.

"It's okay. Your lost, like the rest of us. You belong here. You belong with me." I blush at his words. He's just so comforting when he isn't trying to kill your friend or slit your throat.

"Thank you, Peter."

"I like it when you call me Peter, love." He pulls me back and stares into my eyes, my tears finally coming to a stop.

"I didn't know you had a soft side." He laughs slightly at my comment.

"Well I guess I could say the same about you, love." He sees the 'that was a really cheesy comeback' look on my face and chuckles.

"I'm kidding, y/n."

"I like your jokey side."

"Well, you'd be the first to see it. Not many people have enough hope to even try to get to know me. They don't believe in me."

"Peter," I cup his face in my hands and give him a small peck on the cheek, making him blush slightly.

"I believe in you."

-time skip-

I've really grown to love Peter. Other than the fact he's going to try to kill Henry, he's not a villian like people think. He's been hurt and wounded like everyone. And to be honest, I-I think I'm in love with him. I obviously have feelings for him, by this is different. I have no idea how to tell him though. Ever since my parents abandoned me, I've been afraid to love, to let people in. Peter broke my walls down. I'm completely vulnerable, he has me wrapped around his finger, not good for me. I trust him though, I believe in him.

"Please!!! He's my son Pan! Please let him live!" Henry stands with his heart in his hand about to shove it into Peters chest, Peter waits for the heart, Emma, Regina, and Neil stand around them, hoping and praying Henry keeps his heart, and I stand in the center of it all. I can't choose a side! I love Henry and I don't want him to die, but I love Peter and want him to live.

"There is no other way savior! He has the heart of the truest believer! Here's my proof." He hands Emma a sheet of paper and as she unrolls it she frowns.

"But this isn't Henry."

"What?!" Peter snatches the paper back and looks at it. Slowly he lifts his head and his gaze meets mine.

"Peter, what is it?"

"When you told me a-about your family, y-you said you believed in me. A-and now I-it's y-you." My eyes widen. Peters life depends on me loosing my own.

"Peter take my heart. I need you to live, Peter! I love-" I quickly cover my mouth with my hand, but Peter pulls it down and smashed his lips onto mine. Never once have I ever felt so safe, so at home. In that kiss, we showed every hidden passion for each other and just how much we both meant to the other. A flash of sudden wind and a flicker of yellow light passes through NeverLand, making the two of us separate, ending our passionate kiss.

"What was that?" Peter cups my face and smiles at me, crying.

"You did it. You broke my curse with... With true loves kiss." Peter peppers kisses all over my face, the both of us laughing. Even the Storybrooke gang is in tears.

"I love you Peter."

"I love you too, y/n." He pulled me into a hug and put his hand of the back of my head. That moment was perfect, one of a kind.

"My heart is yours anyways." He pulled me back and stared into my eyes.

"Stay with me, y/n. Be mine-"

"Forever." And I meant that.

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