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-Pans POV-

Song inspiration: Mercy, by Shawn Mendes

This one may be kinda short, but it's super sweet... Enjoy!

I'm saying baby, please have mercy on me...

I stared over the flames of the fire, watching her as she laughed, smiled, if only she could look at me like that. If only I could make her smile that way, but who could love someone like me? She sees through my mask, it's so apparent that she does, so why will she not give me a chance?

Take it easy on my heart...

Does she not know what she does to me? She gives me a reason to be good, she gives me breath, yet can take it away with a single glance. How can something as evil and ugly as what I've become even have a right to look at her, to hear her voice?

Even though you don't mean to hurt me, you keep tearing me apart...

How? I wonder. How can she not see me crawling to her? Afraid and ashamed of what I am?

Why must she rip me apart piece by piece until I'm nothing more than a broken hearted boy, removing my mask with shaking hands, exposing my true pain to her and the rest of this world? How can she accept me for what I truly am?

Would you please have mercy...

I built up my walls, trying to keep the numb feeling I've acquired, but with a single look at her, I can feel my heart, the black shattered bits that are left, slowly mend themselves back together. How can a demon like me love an angel like her? Every time my eyes shift over to her, her smile is playing upon her lips. When her gaze lands upon mine, my heart flutters. No matter how many times I say it's nothing, I feel nothing, it's not true.

I'm a puppet on your strings...

I'm not supposed to love, I'm not supposed to cry, but things are different with her. I would rather give the smiling girl before me her best chance and let my heart break a million times than keep her from happiness, because that is the definition of true love. She doesn't understand the strength in what I feel for her. I'd give my life for her, over and over again. I'd live in an endless cycle of pain if it ensured her happiness, if it ensured she would feel loved, though not a soul in all the realms could love her like I do.

And even though you have good intentions, I need you to set me free...

Why must she toy with my heart? Even if she doesn't know how she effects me, why must she rip my heart in two. I'd give her everything I have to offer, all of my love is reserved for her anyway. Even if I tried, I could never forget how I feel for her. She has me in the palm of her hand, wrapped around her little finger.

Can't she see I'm in love with her? With her voice, her eyes, her words, her spirit, her smile, everything that she is. When will she notice my existence? My love?


The girl sitting with the lost boys, laughing and talking with her friends, didn't even need to look up to know that he was staring at her, the way every woman wanted for a man to look at her. And though Peter Pan didn't realize it, she had never felt more cared for, more safe, more loved...

Would you please have mercy on me...


Guys! I'm back!!!! Updates stills might be kinda slow, but much more efficient! Thanks to those of you who stuck around! I'd like to thank everyone for the prayers and advice, you all mean so much to me. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I hope you enjoyed this one! Please let me know if you did in the comments!

Do you guys like the song inspiration imagines? Please let me know!


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