Stranger than you think

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Requested by PansLostGirl1996
***for the record, I have no experience with writing about vampires, so bear with me😂***

Also, I was finished with this imagine a few days ago, but I got on wattpad today and it didn't post. So sorry about that!😀

Pans POV
Recently, I've been spending quite a lot of time in the mortal world. I keep telling my lost boys I'm going for new recruits or things from their wold that could be useful to me, which is partly true, but there's this girl that I can't keep my eyes off. She always has a comeback for everything. I've gotten so obsessed with her, that I've dressed up as a mortal and even went as far as attending her school just to be with her. Just to see her. She's got this smile that could melt any boys heart, but also a smile where she's thinking pure darkness.

A women with diversity, something I find truly amazing and entertaining. She's clever, witty, but best of all, she's not the average girl that needs to be rescued or trained to obey like a dog. She's not shy, but she's not rebellious. Though every time I see some boy, who thinks they have a shot, flirt with her, it makes me furious. I want her to be mine more then anything. I'm completely mesmerized by her every word, hypnotized by her movements, everything about her is so perfect. But how would she feel about me? It's not everyday you tell the girl your obsessed with and have basically stalked that you are Peter Pan from the storybooks she read as a child, but your much more evil and your, on top of that, a vampire!

Oh well. She's not dumb enough just to follow me blindly, so I guess I'll just have to get her to NeverLand the hard way, my way...

Kidnapping her of course...


I finally got done with the last class of the day and I was on my way home, but then I remembered I had a project due tomorrow. Why do I always procrastinate?! It's best if I just swing by the school library on the way out.

When I walked into the library, I found it was empty. Strange. School just got out, there's no way it's closed. How peculiar. I shrugged it off, starting to look for the book I need. The Aztecs. Who cares about a bunch of dead people? They are already dead! I've never understood that about history.

Okay, the Aztecs, where can I find that. I kept repeating this in my head until I reached a shelf with several Latin American countries. I was just about to pick one up when I heard a giant crash in the isle next to me. It startled me, making me jump and gasp slightly. Maybe this isn't a good idea, being alone in a library after hearing a weird crash... Yeah, I'm getting outa here.

I started speed walking towards the exit, keeping my eyes on the open doors, but then, they suddenly slammed shut by some unknown force.

"Sorry, kitten." A male British accent said, making me spin around. "Can't let you leave." To my surprise, it wasn't some old, creepy kidnaper. It was a teenage boy. He was handsome, light brown hair, emerald eyes, slim, yet muscular, and tall, but what stood out to me was the mischievous smirk plastered onto his face.

"Who are you? What do you want?" He chuckled slightly, taking a step closer, to which I took two steps back.

"Both questions will be answered in time, or where we're going, no time."

"I'm not going anywhere with-" before I could finish my protest, he blew some type of dust in my face, making my eyelids heavy and I fell forward, straight into the arms of a kidnapper.


When I finally pried my eyes open, I found myself laying in a forest, the trees blocking the sun from my view almost completely. I quickly jumped, examining the woods. Nothing looked familiar, it was quite dark and eerie actually.

"Glad your awake, sweetheart." The sudden voice behind me made me jump and I quickly averted my gaze from the trees, meeting the eyes of the boy who was in the library earlier. This time, he was wearing strange clothes, a dark green tunic, dusty gray pants, knee high lace up boots, a thick belt hanging over his hips, and a dagger at his side.

"Who-Who are you?" I watch the smirk on his face grow, the leaves under his boots crunching as he came closer to me. It seemed as if the whole forest, the plants and animals, cowered at his very presence.

"I'm Peter, Peter Pan. And you, my dear, are in NeverLand."

"NeverLand? You can't seriously expect me to believe you." He slide his hand across my cheek, his eyes lingering down to my lips.

"Maybe you should just take a chance." Slowly, he leaned in, lips parted, his words making me curious. Before I could stop him, he had cupped my face with his hands, bringing our lips together. His kissed me with such passion, like he had been wanted to do it his entire life. When we finally pulled away, I noticed something different about his smile. That's when I realized.

"Your a..."

"A vampire? Yes, now Y/N, you can truly understand me, you can be with me forever. Now, your a vampire too." I was shocked to say the least, running my tongue under the new sharp fangs in my mouth. A smile crept onto my face, as twisted and mischievous as it could be. I grabbed Peter by the collar of his shirt, placing a finger over his lips before he could say another word.

"Now..." I whispered. "Let's play."

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