Never ending promise

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REQUESTED BY Panslostgirl199571

As Peter slipped the wedding ring onto my finger, his eyes grew teary, smiling at the handcrafted gem on my finger.

"Y/N, for every day that goes by, from this moment on, I'm making you a promise, a never ending promise, that I will be there for you, to hold and comfort you. I promise I'll protect you no matter what, I will put your needs before my own. Even if it comes to giving my life, I will do anything and everything for you. And I promise to love you, until the ends of this world and the next."

His words kept replaying in my head, over and over, forever haunting me. I was sitting across the fire, with my 5 year old little girl, Cassie, sitting on my lap, watching her twin brother, Cameron, dance around the fire with the rest of the boys. She would clap her hands to the drums, but most the time, she would fall asleep listening the Peters pipe.

My eyes shifted up to Peter as he walked into the camp, his shoulders shrugged, his eyes gloomy. He's exhausted. I watched as he ran a tired hand through his brown hair, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh.

"Daddy!" Cassie slid off my lap, running through the dancing boys towards Peter. He opened his eyes, putting on a smile before he bent over, opening his arms and letting her jump into them.

"Hey, princess." Peter held her closely, resting his hand on the back of her head. His eyes closed once more, a single tear leaking through. I watched my husband, tired and broken, put on a show for everyone. All who have heard of him or crossed him are told of a heartless monster who is incapable of love, but it's simply not true. He is everything I've ever wanted, an amazing husband, a sweet father, a good leader, and a hard worker. 

"Will you play for me, Daddy?" Cassie asked happily, moving back to look at him. Peter made sure to wipe the tear off his cheek before Cassie could see it, giving his little girl a smile. He nodded his head, carrying her over to the boulder in the center of the camp he always sat at, putting her in his lap as he played. I noticed when he played, he played a more sad, more eerie tune than usual.

 I furrowed my eyebrows, watching the boys movements shift into slower ones before they all stopped dancing completely, sitting down by the fire. When Peter played melodies like this one, it could put the camp to sleep in a matter of minutes. He could create the most simple, but soothing melodies that you could so easily melt into. It was something about him that truly amazed me. He had his magic, his power and his strength, but he didn't need it. Even with the most simple song, the entire camp was listening at his feet. 

For a moment while he played, he locked eyes with me, a small smile tugging at his lips. It was there... That promise he made me all those years ago. 

Peter Pan...By what our world's so called heroes say is a demon, a monster, and a villain, but this world is so much more than good and evil. A person isn't born evil or born good. It's a choice we all have to make one day. In many people's eyes, Peter had made the evil choice, but that wasn't true. In the eyes of an evil man, you can see the sin and darkness that resides in them, but when I look at Peter... I see a husband, a father, a man who protects the people he loves at all costs. Under no circumstances should a man like that be defined as a villain. 

My husband may be a bit cruel at times or rough around the edges, but simply by looking in his eyes, you can see he is a good man. The promise he made me the day we both said "I do" is what one can see in his eyes when they truly look. 

I can see protectiveness, devotion, kindness, mercy, belief in his family... love. I can see love. That day he married me was one of the first times I saw those emotions so vibrant in his eyes. I'll never forget it. Besides, I could never forget it when he lives the way he promised he would. He works to keep us safe, he protects us at all costs, and he loves me unconditionally. 

He promised he would after all. And that promise...It was never ending...

A/N: Idk how I feel about this. Let me know if you like it!


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