Nowhere to Run

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Requested by MasterOfTheSevenSeas

"We are doing everything we can! Everyone just calm down!" People were shouting through the streets of my village, but none of them could understand each other.

Last night, many of the boys from our village went missing, they claimed they heard some type of music. But their parents told them they didn't hear anything and just to go to bed. They must have snuck out to see where the music was coming from and gotten stolen by the piper. My best friend Jackson was one of them. I've been going crazy trying to find him, though I've not succeeded. Many of the men are going out in search parties when the sun falls.

"Alright. The women of the village should stay behind in case any of the boys come back." With a little persuading the women of the town agreed, but, if they thought I would listen to them, they have another think coming.


By nightfall, some search parties had left and some had returned without a single boy. I knew it wouldn't do much good. I was currently sitting in my bedroom window, my bow and arrows on my back, my fathers old sword around my waist, and a dagger hidden in the knee high boots I wore, along with a corset and my cloak. If anything were to happen, I was prepared.

That's when I heard the music...

I wanted nothing more than to follow it, wanting to dance to it until my feet begged me to stop, but I knew better than that. That's the same piper that took the boys from my village including my best friend. If I ever wanted to see Jackson again, I'd have to live to fight another battle.

I wanted to kill that piper, but at the same time, I wanted to dance to the tunes he played. To twirl in the wind, in the melody he created, to be free of this world, but what good would following a kidnapper do?

How could I resist?

No, this is wrong. I slammed my windows shut, locking it tightly before taking off my weapons and slipping into bed. Praying that when I woke Jackson would be safe.


Pans POV

I watched her looking out the window, she was so close to succumbing to my music, the intoxicating sound of the pipe was nearly overwhelming her. I'll admit, I was impressed with how she was able to resist it. I knew immediately I wanted her to be my lost girl. I don't care what I have to do, who I have to kill, whom will be tortured or who I'll make suffer, but she'll eventually be submissive, even if I have to train her like a dog.

I used my magic to transport myself to her bedroom, she had fallen asleep. I stared at her for a while. The way her hair fell in her face when she would squirm around, her nose would crinkle up, but then her face would go calm for a moment before she would repeat this pattern.

Slowly, I placed myself on the end of her bed, making her stir. Her long eyelashes batted until she fully opened her eyes. When her gaze landed on me, she gasped, but I quickly slapped a hand over her mouth. I smirked as she yanked her face free, wiping her lips in disgust.

"Who are you?! And how did you get in here?!" She yelled in a whisper.

"I'm Peter Pan, and I'm just...Just dropping by." I kept my voice smooth, full of mockery might I add, and didn't bother to whisper.

"You." Realization began to hit her, she pointed a finger at me, the other hand reaching for the dagger on her nightstand.

"Your the piper!"

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