His Forever

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Song inspiration: black widow (Iggy Azalea)
Requested by PansLostGirl1996

I swear, when I find Peter Pan...

I'll kill him on the spot...

He kidnapped literally my only friend. Henry. He's just an innocent 11year old boy and now he's been kidnapped by one of the biggest villains ever recorded in our fairytale history. Not only is Pan bad and proud to be bad, he's absolutely demented! Who goes around kidnapping people and forcing them to live on some strange island?! The Storybrooke gang going after Henry agreed to let me tag alone, but only because of my fighting skills. Before the dark curse, I was a thief, a bandit on the run for my life. All day. Everyday. So let's just put it this way, you hurt me or someone I love, it will be the last thing you ever do.

Peter Pan, watch your back.

"How do we know Pan isn't leading us straight into a trap?!" Regina and Emma have been trying to decide what to do with he map Pan gave Emma. Emma said maybe we should just listen to him, but Regina isn't having it.

"Because he doesn't need to. This whole island is his bloody trap!" Hook is clearly not excited about being back on NeverLand. He's made various comments like, "he may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon," or "if Pan wants something, he'll get it."

"You know what, you guys can figure this out. I'm going to find Henry." I start to walk off, but Snow stops me.

"You can't just leave! Pan could hurt you-"

"You really think I can't handle myself?! Snow I'm a bandit just like you were! I think I can find a way to handle one smug teenager!" She cools my temper down by pulling me into a hug.

"Please just be careful." I let out a long sigh. I was an orphan and MaryMargret took care of me during the dark curse. She's the only mother figure I've ever had.

"I will. I just really-really miss Henry."

"I know. But we'll find him. Just have hope." I nod my head and walk into the forest, my sword clutched tightly in my hand. It's gradually gotten darker, and I've got to say, the NeverLand forest is much creepier at night. It's almost as if I can see animals glowing eyes watching me, deciding wether or not to attack me, but every time one of them about to pounce, it cowers down as if something or someone is telling them not to. I quickly brush the thought from my mind. I've been walking for hours and have found nothing. This island is bigger than I thought. But just to be sure I'm not just walking in circles, I carve random things into trees so I'll know I've already been here, but I never see any of my markings. So I know I'm not walking in circles. Suddenly, a twig snaps behind me. I joult backwards, but find nothing and no one. Still, I can feel someone watching me.

"Who's there?" I try to make my voice sound as strict and confident as possible, but it still sounds weak and cracky. The truth is, I'm actually scared. If they can steal Henry, lie to Greg and Tamara, and keep us from finding Henry, there's no telling what else they can do. And I know for a fact Pan has and is very skilled with magic. Even with my smarts and strength, I'm no match for his powerful, dark magic.

"Show yourself."

"I was beginning to think you'd walk all night." A boy appears behind me, and as I turn around, I notice the smirk plastered across his smug face.

"How long have you been following me?!"

"Long enough to know you've come to save Henry." My face falls. He must be one of the lost boys or worse. This could be Pan himself. He's exactly like I imagined him. Cruel, cocky, and arrogant. Though he has an innocent look about his face. The way his light, fluffy brown hair hangs loosely over his fire head, his shining emerald green eyes, his puffy cheeks complete his innocent look, but from the glare in his eyes I can tell he is anything but innocent.

"Who are you?" He raises his eyebrows, taking a few steps closer to me.

"Oh did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter, Peter Pan." Knew it.

I quickly swing my sword at him, but a sword appears in his hand and he easily blocks mine.

"You cheater." I growl, only making his smirk grow.

"Am I? The last time I checked, you were the one with the sword who tried to kill a defenseless person." I roll my eyes at him, swinging at him again.

"Oh yeah, Pan. You are anything but defenseless! Your like the baddest, most cruel, powerful person in all the realms!" He blocks my sword every time I swig at him. He then kicks me in the stomach and backs me into a tree.

"That I am. Now, do you give up?"

"Never. Happening." I push him off me and knock the sword out of his hand. He looks somewhat shocked as I sling him against a tree, but his signature smirk soon follows his look of confusion.

"You are a feisty little lady aren't you? I like that in a women." I roll my eyes and fake gag, showing him just how disgusting and prevented his comment was.

"Well you like feisty? Here's feisty. Take me to Henry and let us all go home before I slit your throat. And don't second guess me. I'll kill anyone on the spot to protect the people I love."

"What happened to you?" I'm taken aback by this. He seems so genuinely concerned and confused.

"When a girl is abandoned by her parents as a child, she's forced to grow up to early. I know the way of this cruel world, so tell me, are you taking me to Henry or not?!" He seemed slightly moved by my mini speech, but it's probably only fake.

"Fine I'll take you to Henry." Yeah, there's no way it's that easy. He waves one of his hands over my face. I slowly start to loose control over my mind and body and I start to slip into a deep sleep.

"W-what did you do?"

"Well I'm taking you to Henry. But you won't be a temporary prisoner like him, no. You'll be my lost girl." I shiver at his words. The thought of me ever belonging to him makes me sick.

"Wh-why? Why are y-you doi-doing this t-to me?" I quickly loose my balance, but Pan scoops me up in his arms, his smirk growing at my helplessness.

"Because love. You are mine. Forever."

And that exactly what I became. His. And you know what, I wouldn't change that for the world.

Hey guys!!!!!! I hope you liked that! Make sure to requests!!!! 💚

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