My Little Lost Girl

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Requested by TwilightsDream

(Y/n)= your name
(Y/e/c)= your eye color
(Y/a)= your age

Imagine being 5 and showing up in NeverLand...

                          Third person pov
She stood in front of him, digging her little toes into the dirt. She held her head down because of the fear building up in her petite figure.
"Whats your name, sweetheart?" He ask her, being confused as to how and why she was here. "Y/n" She slowly looked up at the tall boy kneeling in front of her.
"How old are you y/n?"
"I is five." She smiled and held up five of her little fingers, making him smile. For the first time in his life, Peter Pan felt sorry for someone other than himself. He couldn't imagine what all she's been through. A little five-year-old baby that felt lost was enough to make him kind.
"Would you like to come back to camp with me y/n? I'll take care of you, kitten." Y/n slowly nodded her head and reached out for his hand as he stood up. He laughed at how needy she was, but held her hand as the two walked back to His camp.

                                 Y/n's pov
Over time, the lost boys treated you like their little sister and Peter took care of you like you were his own child. Your life on NeverLand was fun and filled with adventure, but like any young child, you missed your parents.

One night, you were playing with some of the lost boys, tiring you out before bed. Because of how much energy you had, Peter nicknamed you 'Pup', after your lighthearted spirit and your sparkling (y/e/c) eyes. You are suddenly scooped up into the air by two strong arms. Though you were startled at first, you noticed the familiar feel of his clothes and his musty, forest sent.
"Petah!!!!" He chuckled lightly at your attempt to properly pronounce his name. He set you down on the ground, but you throw your arms open again, whining a bit. He sighed before picking you back up, cradling you in his chest. He carried you to his tent and laid you down in his bed. Peter slowly slipped in next to you and covered to two of you up. He allowed you to sleep with him because whenever you had a nightmare, you would immediately run to his tent anyways.
"Goodnight my little lost girl." He whispered.
"Night Petah."

A nightmare. You had another nightmare. You wake up crying and screaming with Peter leaning over you.
"Pup, wake up. Baby, it's only a dream." Your little eyes shoot open and you instantly sit up and wrap your short arms around his neck.
"It's okay, Pup. I'm right here."
"I-it was my momma and dada-"
"Sweetie, I've got you. Your okay-"
"No Petah. I won go home." You let go of his neck and look back at his teary eyes. Though you didn't realize it, you had just shattered Peter Pans heart.
"Baby you are home."
"Nah ah. I won see my momma and dada. Please Petah." He let out a long sigh.
"If that's what you want-" his voice cracked as he held back tears. He had just found his little lost girl and now he would loose her again.
"Fine. If that's what will make you happy." Your arms found there way back to his neck.
"Tank you Petah!!!!" He only smiled at you weakly before the both of you laid back down. You didn't understand why he wasn't happy. All you knew is he said you could go home.

The next day was pure sorrow for Peter. After he packed all your things  you, Peter, and all the lost boys were waiting on the beach for the shadow, Peter could hardly speak. You gave your goodbyes to the lost boys, a big, long hug from each of them, especially from Felix, but when it came time for Peter to say goodbye, he could hardly look at you. Not in disgust or anger, but because he was so afraid of crying and making you feel guilty.
"Petah?" He turn towards you, as his back was facing you before, and put on a fake smile.
"Goodbye, Pup."
"Bye bye Petah." The shadow flue down and just as you were about to grab his hand, your dropped your thing and ran back to Peter. He kneeled down and hugged you as you cried.
"I wuv you Petah." He chocked back his tears as he had done so many times before.
"I love you too, my little lost girl." He pulls you back and looks at your small, tear stained face.
"Don't cry Pup. Your Mum and Dad miss you."
"I'll come back to visit, Petah, I pwomise." He planted a kiss on your fore head and nodded.
"We'll be waiting for you." Peter slowly handed you to the shadow and watched as the only light in his life was slowly ripped right out from under him. You had him wrapped around your finger, and now you were gone and he was crushed...

Your pov
Years later

Today was the day I was finally going back to NeverLand. It had been years and now I was (y/a). I was able to hitch a ride with Hook, seeing as he was on his way to NeverLand. Once I got there, I felt at home instantly.
"Y/n, lass."
"Yes Hook?"
"Since your on your way to Pans camp, mind dropping this off?" He hands me a satchel, mostly likely filled with magical items as a payment for Peter letting him and his crew leave.
"No problem." Hook bids me farewell and good luck and I hop off the ship. Once my feet hit the sand, the memory of when I left comes rushing into my mind.
"Well well well, what do we have here?" When I hear the voice behind me, I freeze.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were a lady. So tell me, what's a pretty little thing like yourself doing here?" I slowly turn around and see his face.
"Peter." A smile sneaks onto my lips as he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.
"So you've heard of me?"
"Oh yes, I know everything about you. Including your one weakness." I decide to toy with him a little, he just look so funny when he was confused.
"And what would that be, love?"
"Y/n" He suddenly appears in front of me and shoves me into a tree.
"What do you know about y/n?! If you hurt her I swear it will be the last thing you ever do!" A chuckle leaves my mouth, confusing him further more. He pulls out the dagger attached to his waist, pressing it against my neck.
"Any last words?"
"I wuv you Petah." I say in a baby voice, resembling the little girl he once knew.
"It's me Peter. It's y/n." He drops the knife at my feet and stares down at me. I see a single tear fall down his face.
"Pup?" I nod my head, flicking the tear away with my fingers. He smiles the most happy and touching smile I've ever seen as he scoops me up in his arms, the both of us laughing.
"Pup, you're so grown up and beautiful." He holds me face in his hands, tears of joy streaming down his face.
"I promised I'd come back. You were right Peter, I am home."
"Please Pup, never leave again."
"Never. Who's the needy one now?" He pulls me back into his arms, I relax in them, knowing I'm safe.
"The boys miss you so much."
"Let's go see them shall we?!" He takes my hands and teleports us to the camp. The first boy I see is Felix.
"Felix!!!" He turns around just in time, before I tackle him to the ground.
"It's me! It's Pup!"
"Pup?!" He hugs me extremely tightly and as he lets me go, the other boys crowd around us.
"Pup!!!" They all fall to the ground with me and Felix and hug and tickle me to death, each and everyone of us in tears. Peter drops to his knees next to me and whispers with tears in his eyes and a beautiful, genuine smile plastered on his face.
"You were right. You are our weakness."

Hope you guys enjoyed that!!! Please feel free to send request at anytime!!!! Luv ya! Let me know if you want a part 2!!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚

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