Always and Forever

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Requested by MasterOfTheSevenSeas
Word count: 2,205
Your POV

As my eyes flutter open, I hear the sounds of birds and ocean waves, though the birds don't sound cheerful, but scared. And as I become awar that I'm no longer in my comfortable, safe bed, my eyes shoot open. After jolting up, I examine my surroundings. With an ocean and beach behind me, and a giant, dark forest before me, I know I'm nowhere near home.

"Are you lost? You look lost to me." I spin around and my gaze meets the emerald green eyes of a boy, probably not to much older than me. He wears strange clothes, a dark green tunic, grey pants, knee high lace up boots, a thick leather belt around his waist, and a dagger attached to his hips, but the thing that stands out the most, is his devilish grin. He looks so scary and manipulative.

"Who are y-you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." He tilts his head to the side and makes a sarcastic puppy dog face at me. What is with him?

"Umm. Yeah. That's why I asked." He takes a few steps closers to me in long strides, my fear and curiosity both growing.

"You'll find out soon enough, Y/n." My eyes grow wide and I stumble backwards. How did he know my name?! Before I have a chance to run, he hurls me into the sand that was under my feet a few seconds ago. My head hits a rock on the way down, making me grunt and hiss in pain. My vision starts to blur, but just before I black out, I can feel the boy tying my wrists together and then him slinging me over his shoulder, chuckling at his victory.

As I wake up, my vision slowly clears and I find myself sitting in the dirt floor of a tent. Just when I'm about to stand and make a run for it, it suddenly occurs to me that my hands are tied to a support beam above my head and there is a cloth over my mouth that is preventing me from screaming. I tug and tug at the ropes, but it only cuts me, leaving little red droplets staining my clean skin. Suddenly the same boy from earlier comes in the tent. I scoot back as far as possible, but my back is already tightly pressed against the beam, it's really no use.

"It seems sleeping beauty has finally awoken." If looks could kill people, this boy would be so so so dead. I glare at him through my eyelashes, hoping he'll leave me alone or let me go, but it only makes him more interested in me. He kneels down to my level, though he still looks so tall and intimidating.

"Now then, I'm assuming you want some answers." I simply roll my eyes at him. Like duh I want answers! My actions make him chuckle.

"Your a sassy one. Gotta say, I find a fiery women attractive." He tucks a strand of stray hair behind my ear and caresses my cheek with the back of his hand, but I quickly turn my head away from him.

"Now listen, y/n. The boys are a bit bored lately, so your here with the boredom issue." He stands up and walks over to a cabinet in the tent. I can hear him fiddling with what sounds like glass bottles, but I still keep my head turned away from him. Once he's found what he's looking for, he squats in front of me again.

"Look at me." His voice is so stern and angry, but still, I don't move my head.

"Baby girl, please." He softens his voice, sending shivers down my back. He has a way with words, I'll give him that. So, I slowly turn my head back to him, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Much better. As I was saying, you and the boys are going to play a game." He holds up the bottle and waves it in the airs

"Now, you drink this and it'll turn you invisible until your enemies eyes land on you. Understood?" I nod my head, his stern, leader-like tone returning in the way he speaks and moves. He tiredly rubs a hand across he forehead before hooking his fingers under the cloth over my mouth, but not so that I can talk.

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