1. Don't be so overjoyed

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Marta POV

So, how long will you be gone? - asked my best friend as I was packing the last box to the trunk of my car.

I don't know. As long as it takes. But I've said it multiple times Kaya, I won't be gone. Well not totally. I will still lead some projects in here via mail, I will come probably twice a month for the important meetings, and most of all we will be on the phone all the time. So don't pretend that you'll miss me. - I said a little bit annoyed. - And really it is not like jumping from happiness with that assignment. I don't know anybody there despite few people from the office. So welcome evenings with Netflix! Hurray.

Don't be so overjoyed! - she said ironically - You know that the office in Dortmund needs someone like you to improve their business and grow on the market. You are the person for the job, and I'm sure that you are secretly excited.

Of course I am! I am just a little bit overwhelmed with all this moving, and I'm a little bit nervous about going all those kilometers there by car and by myself. That's why I'm bitchy. Forgive me. - I said apologetically.

It was 5AM and we were standing in front of my apartment in Warsaw. Kaya was there to take spare keys so as to look after it when I will be away. She was a person that I could trust with my life, so giving her unlimited access to my apartment was not such a big deal. We were friends for many years. We went to high school with each other, spend lots of time together while we were studying and even shared apartment with each other for some time.

Ok, go already because eventually we will start to cry! I'll miss you dear! Take care, call me all the time and rock that city! - Kaya hugged me and pushed me towards the car.

I started the engine, waved her goodbye, put the music on and eventually hit the road.

After several hours I was approaching a border between Poland and Germany. I took a deep breath and entered the country that will be my home for a little while. So now I was really all by myself. With a big adventure ahead of me but still, alone in a new reality.

I needed somehow to calm myself down so I've started to repeat like a mantra:

Marta, you are 27 years old and unlike many of your peers you have a successful job. You are one of the best communication managers in Poland and now is time to spread your wings and go higher. You are good in what you do and you have worked your ass off to achieve your position. You have supportive family, friends love you and ....

I chuckled hearing the word "love" in my head. Yeah. Friends love me, of course that's good but it is also it. Romantic love I do not have, I sighed and concentrated on the road.

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