12. If you want you can stay here

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Marta POV 2006

So which one is better? The one that you have made yourself or the one that he made for you yesterday? – Kaya asked me in Polish while putting another spoon of cereal into her mouth.

What? – I nearly chocked while swallowing my sandwich. We were now in the dining hall with all our friends having breakfast.

I mean the sandwich. – she winked at me. – by the way, what is with you two?

I don't know what you mean? – I looked at her puzzled.

Oh Marta, you always come to breakfast together. You always make homework together. – she said.

He has a room next to mine, and homework we do always with Forni. – I said shrugging my shoulders.

Yup, last few days I saw him more with Aurelia than with you two if you now what I mean –she wiggle her eyebrows and I looked at Forni who put his arm around the pretty Italian.

Oh well... we are friends, if that is what you want to know. – I said.

Of course you are, we all are here. But not everybody runs in here like crazy like he did it yesterday looking for you. Not everybody ditches eating breakfast so as to make you a sandwich. Not everybody puts their head on others lap to sleep in the bus, like you girl did yesterday. And most of all not everybody looks at each other constantly. Like for example he does now, and do not look at him when I say that! Or like you were doing from the beginning of the breakfast until I have starting talking to you. -  Kaya finished in one breath.

I swallowed hard.

Do you like him? – she asked seriously.

I like him of course! Like I like everybody here. – I answered quickly.

But do you like like him? – she said annoyed.

I dunno. I wasn't thinking about that – I bit my lip. I was lying. Of course I was thinking about it, probably most of the time since few days. I liked him like a friend, he was funny, I always had topics to talk with him. We spend a lot of time together. And I would be lying saying that I didn't like the feeling in my stomach when he was smiling at me. He was not my type. But do you really have a type when you are seventeen? I looked at him for a while. His red hair were in a slight mess, his nose was a little turned to the side, I knew that he had a crooked smile. While I was contemplating his face he looked up at me and I felt his green eyes amused at me. After a while he smiled widely. I felt my heartbeat rising and a stange tingling in my stomach appeared. I looked quickly at Kaya.

Of course you do like him. I knew that! – she winked at me.

Whole day I was really absent minded due to my recent discovery. Do I really like him? How did that happened? I felt strange realizing that I really like having him around and was really andgry when I saw him talking with pretty Spanish girl from another group. Was I jealous? Shit!

Ekhm, Marta? – Robin cleared his throat standing in front of me. – Are you going?

Where? – I looked at him surprised.

To the common room girl. I was talking to you for last few minutes, but you were probably daydreaming. – he answered laughing. – come on, Tiago arranged some movie and we all agreed that we should watch it in the evening.

Cool – I smiled getting up from the bench following him.

Everybody was already in the common room. Marcell even arranged some beers saying that all the teachers had already went to their rooms so we will be safe. Tiago and Cara were occupying sofa. Kaya was sitting on the armchair. Few others like Forni was lying with Gia on some pillows, and when I was looking for a place for myself I saw Marco siting on another couch, who pointed with his head to an empty place next to him.

I smiled and made myself comfortable on the sofa when Robin gave me a beer.

Here you go. – he winked and went to turn off the lights.

After few minutes I nearly choked when I realized that we were watching a horror movie. Oh, If I'd known that I would not come here. I was scared of everything scary. I closed my eyes seeing a demonish little girl appearing on the screen.

Don't be scared, it is just a movie – Marco whispered into my ear, and I felt goosebumps on my neck in the place where his breath touched my skin. I nodded slightly.

In few minutes something jumped on the screen and I squeaked quietly moving myself next to him.

Sorry, It is just not for my nerves – I said looking at him ashamed.

Don't be. I don't mind. – he said smiling, and after I while I felt his arm around me.

An hour and a half later the movie was over and Robin turned the light on. Kaya smirked looking at Marco's arm put around me, and he quickly took it, got up and went to grab another beer.

We sat in the common room for several more hours when suddenly everybody started to yawn, and we decided to go to sleep. We said our goodbyes and I went with Marco to the first floor. All was dark and even after few beers I was not feeling very comofortable in this old building. I really hated horror movies. When we reached our rooms and I started to open the door I was really so afraid that I was on the verge of shitting in my pants. My imagination was running wild showing me different types of monsters awaiting me in the room. And it was when I decided to ask.

Marco? – I started hesitantly looking at him. – I know that it is stupid, but I really am scared as fuck. You can laugh that I am a child but I always avoid horror movies, cause I cannot sleep after watching them.

He looked at me leaning his back on the side of my doorframe.

And...um..maybe you could come with me. Like just for a little, just to talk. It will be easier for me to go to sleep then. – I asked stuttering and looking down.

He took a deep breath.

Sure. Let's see if there are any little scary girls inside – he winked at me and entered the room.

We were sitting on my bed and talking for a good hour, when I felt my eyes closing and decided to lay myself down. Marco yawned and I saw that he was trying really hard to keep his head up.

I moved on the bed leaving some space.

If you want you can stay here. There is enough place for us two and I can see that because of me you are exhausted. – I said quietly. He looked at me stunned and smiled a little, and nodded.

I would like that. I am not sure if I am able going to my room not falling asleep on the way. – he said laying himself next to me. -  And still I am not sure if I have scared away all the creepy girls from your room. – he added chuckling. I hit him with my pillow.

Stop it! – I giggled and turned off the lamp standing next to bed.

After few moments I heard his breath getting deeper as he was probably starting to fall asleep. He moved a little bit laying himself on a side.

Goodnight Marco – I whispered.

Goodnight Schatzi – he replied softly, and put his arm around my waist.

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